a2z: Take 2

Back in May, when I announced the a 2 z meme (rhymes with cream) I never dreamed it'd be so much fun. I hoped it would pull me out of the blogging dry spell I was in, and sure enough, it did. In fact, it did far more. That meme stirred up my creative juices and I was amazed at all that flowed out. Not only that, but I met people and got to know acquaintances better and developed some fun friendships.

Since this whole Tuesday meme (rhymes with cream) business wasn't just for me, I asked the participants of the first round if they were ready to call it quits or wanted to continue, and wouldn't you know? They wanted round 2! We decided to start again in January but to keep the momentum going we did a short JollyDaze meme to carry us through the holidays. But now it's time to jump back into a2z...

a2z: Take 2
January 10 - July 3.

Here's the deal:
  • Anyone can play. Some of us will be returning a 2 z-ers, but any one can join us and we would LOVE to have you along! The more the merrier! Grab a friend and join us!!
  • Anything goes. If you're pressed for time, pressed for brain cells (a common ailment of mine), stumped, whatever... a simple list will work! Or a picture or a verse—anything to get a post up. Seriously. Just make sure it ties in with the week’s letter. It can also be as focused or even a complicated post about a word that starts with that letter. Anything goes, related to the letter.
  • One letter a week. We'll start with A and finish by the 4th of July.
  • Tuesday's the day. Posting day is Tuesday. Or Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. ROFL. If you're like me, you might not remember on Tuesday, so any day works. I don't care, but that brings me to...
  • Let's link together! Part of the fun of a meme is linking together so we can encourage each other on. I'll put a linky up on my site each Tuesday, shortly after midnight so you can link up.
  • Gift for frequent posters! I’ll keep track and the people who join a 2 z: Take 2 for all 26 letters will be sent a small gift. Last time I was amazed by how many made it through the whole alphabet!

Wondering what a meme is and why you'd want to participate? Check out Making the Most of Memes for more information.

And now, if you're looking for other fun memes here's some:
  • Easy as Pie - hosted by Vonnie Blake on Thursdays. Quick and easy recipes!
  • Fiction Friday – hosted by Karlene 
  • Word Filled Wednesday - hosted by the Internet Cafe
There are loads more, but these are just three fun ones I'm very familiar with. =)

Memes are simply great ways to have something to post for those times you “don’t have anything” or are in a dry spell or rut or just want to have fun or gather with others.

How memes work:
  • Everyone posts on their own blog about the week's topic (for a2z you post something to do with the week's letter). Adding the button to your post will help people spot you.
  • Once your post is up, grab the url to that particular post and come here to my site.
  • Here you'll find a Linky gadget at the end of my Tuesday's a2z post. Paste your url in, add your name and click Enter.
  • Your name will be added to the list of links so people can visit your site. (Think of it as an online progressive dinner sort of thing.)
  • Visit several people linked up there. It's how you'll meet people, get to know them and encourage them.
Grab a button for your blog:

Button code for 325px wide image:
a2z: Take 2. Patty Wysong Helping bloggers blog.

Button code for 200px wide image:
a2z: Take 2. Patty Wysong Helping bloggers blog.

a2z Take 2 will start Tuesday, January 10th, 
with the letter A.

Come join us! 

And don't forget we're vlogging tomorrow and would love to meet you then. (This is for everyone, not just those participating in the memes!) Scroll down to yesterday's post for details.


  1. Looking forward to jumping in here and there this time. SOOO much fun last time!

    And CAN'T wait to see your vlog!!

  2. Hallelujah! Count me in, last time was too much fun!
    : )

  3. YAYAYAY!!
    I had loads of fun too! It really surprised me how fun it was! =]

  4. I'm taking two on-line photography courses so hoping I can combine my learning with this meme!

  5. I was hoping you would, Barb! I'm really looking forward to your pix! =] Sooo happy you're taking those classes!! =] Hugs!! =]

  6. I'm in, my first go at it. Looking forward to it!

  7. I want to be in but I am not sure how...


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