
Welcome to this week's a 2 z: Take 2
and the letter C.

Okay, it's Confession time:
Due some Carelessness on my part, I've let a few things slide here and I'm now running like Crazy to do. See, the accountability I've set up here helps me tremendously, but unfortunately, I don't have similar accountability in home and family things and there are several chores I've crashed and burned on. Sooooo, now I'm playing catch up. And it's not fun. Maybe this time I'll learn my lesson.

But you guys can still have fun without me. =)

If I can get my act together here, I'll be back on Thursday with another Take Flight Challenge. IF...

So tell me, what are some things you put off doing?

If you're joining us for the a2z: Take 2 meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter C, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here.


  1. Oh, boy do I hear you on being behind! I came to the conclusion a long time ago that I will never be caught up. Instead, I strive to be serially caught up. This week on writing, next week on housework, the week after that on photos... (I'm only partially kidding! It seems to go that way! :-)

    1. Shelley, that seems to be how I work too. I really admire people who seem to be able to do a balanced amount of everything during the day.

  2. I just now got done a form I was suppose to fill out for the pastor for an event we're planning for our Deaf Ministry (hey, duh, that should be my D post!) and I'd hoped to have my revisions on my book done last week (25 pages to go!)... Good luck catching up!

  3. So true! Too much to do-too little energy to do it all.

    1. LoL, Yes Barb!! That's a lot of it there. (unfortunately, that's not what happened here at this point. This time it was my negligence.) =[

  4. Cleaning absolutely. And ABNS - though I'm getting better about it! Gorgeous picture, by the way.

    1. That's my FlufferNut. She and Tippy were playing--Tippy was at the base of the tree, having just jumped down from chasing her. LoL. Silly cats.

  5. That tree does not look big enough to hold the cat in it. lol That is beautiful though! :)

  6. Well, cleaning bathrooms are my biggest and worse offense. Followed by entering receipts for taxes.

  7. Cleaning, definitely. I also put off returning home related phone calls. I'm still burned out from insurance issues years ago so when I know I have to follow up on a claim, I hate it. Hate. It.

    Hope you get caught up!

  8. With three girls in the house, I don't have to put off cleaning - yea. When it was just me, well ... My major procrastination goes with the unscheduled things, like returning library books or mailing packages that have to go to the post office. Those things drive me crazy.

  9. What do I put off doing? Dishes. I eat dinner and then pray that one of my children will kindly do them for me.

  10. I tend to crash and burn on chores. And, as much as I hate to admit it, writing. And I procrastinate exercising so that I end up in my exercise clothes at 3 in the afternoon. There. Confession over.


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