My 12

Here's my list of things I'd like to do in 2012.  Not necessary, but some for fun, some for research for a historical project (which I consider very FUN!), some to learn and grow, and some just because...

  1. I already posted my list of 9 writing craft books to read in '12. I want to add 3 books to that list and read 12 writing craft books in '12.
  2. Do 12 short vlogs. *gulp*
  3. Go out once a month (brrrrr) and snap pictures--not just 12 outings in March through October like I usually do. Why? To slow down and look for the beauty all around me on a regular basis, even if it's freezing out there.
  4. Go somewhere scenic here in Southern Illinois that I've not been to before--there's so much here that I've never seen in the 20 years I've lived here.
  5. Talk to 12 people about the history of this part of Southern Illinois--my older friends, museum personnel... 
  6. Visit the local museum.
  7. Visit the coal mining museum in town.
  8. Visit the miners memorial in town.
  9. Hunt down the old mine portals and take pictures. (Do you see the trend here? LoL)
  10. Stop at the WF Lake and simply be still.
  11. Go to R Lake and follow some of the paths.
  12. Walk through the woods this spring.
I was asked why I'm doing this--well, it does seem kind of strange to me too, especially since I didn't set goals for 2012. LoL. But here's why I'm doing 12 in '12...
To get me out of my box. Some of these will get me out of my comfort zone and all of these will help keep me from stagnating. *shrug* And I love a challenge. ;-)

Some of those things listed are big--12 parts to them--some are small. None are necessary in the over-all picture of life, but things I'd love to do.

So tell me, what are some things you'd like to do this year? Just for the fun of it?

Are you posting a 12 in '12 list? Link up and we can encourage each other on and meet back here the 12th of each month for a progress report.

I'll see you on February 12th with pictures, reports, whatever. I'm excited about this and have slowly begun working on my list. Like, I went out earlier this week and took pictures of January! Woot! And I've been reading my January writing craft book. Woot! =)

See you next month!

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  1. I remember camping and going to the beach at R Lake! My dad is a coal miner! You make me miss home, Patty. :)

    This year, I'd like to take a long research trip to Charlotte NC. Take a tour of the Chicago Tribune. And I'd like take an FBI citizen's class.

    Just a few things!

  2. Cheering you on, girlie! You can DO it!

  3. Go Patty! Love seeing your mind at work!

  4. Love your list. I running behind. I totally want to do this. Hugs!!

  5. Jess! There are sooo many coal miners here, aren't there? LoL. And yeah, R Lake is great. GOTTA get there this summer! LoL

    Jo and Lisa, thanks for the encouragement!! Love you guys!

    Rita, it's never too late, so post when you can! =] Hugs!!


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