Rita is the winner of DiAnn Mills' book, A Woman Called Sage.
Kelly is the winner of Nicole O'Dell's Magna and Making Waves.
Congratulations, ladies!
I left one giveaway open: Jim Rubart's Rooms. Scroll down the page and enter the giveaway, if you haven't already. I'll announce that winner next Tuesday.
Tomorrow I'll be spotlighting and giving away a copy of Vanessa Miller's book Yesterday Promise and next week is Gail Satler's The Narrow Path. (Which I might add, is excellent!! You really, really won't want to miss that one!) =]
After those, I'll be taking the summer off from author spotlights. I'll be doing a Bible study with some of the ladies at my church and I want to have a little more time to focus on it. What study? LoL, I'm so glad you asked! It's Kay Arthur's Choosing Victory - Overcoming Defeat. It's her study on Joshua, Judges and Ruth and I've wanted to do this for years!

When I read, I've found that I get very distracted by highlighting and anything more than simple underlining, and as some of you know, Kay Arthur uses all kinds of marking in the text. So, I invested some of my "earnings" (so strange after 17 years of no personal earnings! LoL) and purchased a new wide margin study Bible. It's the hardback version of the Bible I've used for several years and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. I loooove my Bible but I want to make sure I can still read it without distraction for many years to come, and since I want to do more than just this one study, I invested in a copy I can mark up. Really mark up. Not only that, but once I have it in my hot little hands, I can jump in and start working on the first lesson. =] I know, the logic is a little sketchy, but it makes perfect sense to me. ;-)
And it's special for a couple more reasons which I want to record inside the cover. It's my Ebenezer for these first months of 2010. So much has already gone on this year! Things I never, ever would've imagined! Things that are major for me and totally out of my comfort zone and totally unexpected. But God has been, and IS, soooo faithful. This Bible is my Ebenezer, to remind me of His faithfulness whenever I begin to panic in the future. =]
Do you know what I mean by calling it my Ebenezer? I wrote about just that in May's issue of Exemplify. =] You can read it here, "Rocks in My Pocket" on page 60, but trust me, you'll want to read your way there because Exemplify Magazine is so good! It blesses me every month.

Oooh - this sounds wonderful, Patty. I'm GLAD you bought the other Bible. THose colors STILL distract me whenever I get to Mark (LOL). Can't wait to read your insights!