meet Diane and David Munson


When a millionaire drug-dealer wrote a memoir that became a movie staring Johnny Depp, Diane Munson decided the good guys wearing white hats should be the ones to write memoirs. A former Federal prosecutor, she knew the back story. She asked David, a former undercover DEA Special Agent, to join her in writing about David’s arrest of Johnny Depp’s character in Chicago and other criminals in what the Munsons call factional novels. Now, this husband and wife weave the thrills of back alley deals and major courtroom drama into international suspense novels.

Diane Munson is an attorney of more than twenty-five years who transitioned from writing briefs for judges to writing inspiring fiction for readers. David Munson was a Special Agent with the U.S. Departments of Defense, Treasury, and Justice, concluding with the Drug Enforcement Administration. As an undercover agent, he infiltrated international drug smuggling organizations. Diane and David have co-authored together three suspense thrillers: Facing Justice (2009), Confirming Justice (2009), The Camelot Conspiracy (2009) and Hero’ Ransom (2010). They are at work on their fifth novel.

You can find the on the at

Hero's Ransom
The highly anticipated Hero’s Ransom satisfies the demand for the next thriller by the spousal team of Diane and David Munson. Based on their exciting careers, Diane, a former federal prosecutor, and David, a former federal agent, once again feature popular federal agents Eva Montanna and Griff Topping, who now must partner with CIA agent Bo Rider to stop China’s ominous plot to annihilate America’s ability to defend itself. Young working mother Amber Worthing is arrested by the Chinese military after finding a two-thousand-year old mummy and artifacts that prove Magi worshiped Christ in Bethlehem. As a believer alone in a Chinese prison and caught between sinister world powers, Amber’s faith is tested in ways she never dreamed possible. Her mother and son face a traumatic custody battle because of Amber’s unexpected imprisonment. Once released, she and her family experience the power of forgiveness.

Be sure to check out Abby's review of Hero's Ransom at Bookworms Review!

Confirming Justice

In Confirming Justice, all eyes are on Federal Judge Dwight Pendergast, secretly in line for nomina­tion to the Supreme Court, who is presiding over a bribery case involving a cabinet secretary’s son. When the key prosecution witness disappears, FBI agent Griff Topping risks everything to save the case while Pendergast’s enemies seek to embroil the judge in a web of corruption and deceit. The whole world watches as events threaten the pow­erful position and those who covet it. Diane and David Munson masterfully create plot twists, legal intrigue and fast-paced suspense, in their realistic portrayal of what transpires behind the scenes at the center of power.

You can purchase the Munson's books from Amazon:

The Munsons are giving away a copy of Confirming Justice. To be entered in the book giveaway, leave a comment and check back on Sunday, February 21, to see if you've won. You can enter twice--once on each post in this spotlight. If you want to guarantee that you're notified if you win, then leave your email address in the comment, otherwise, you can just check back and email me through the button in my sidebar.
**Annoying little disclaimer: This giveaway is open only to U.S. addresses. By clicking on the Amazon link above or in the sidebar, and purchasing, I will receive a very small percentage of the sale.

Be sure to join us tomorrow for an interesting and fun interview with Diane and David Munson!


  1. I'd like to read this book. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    please count me in...thanks


  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Fascinating sounding book!

  4. Anonymous4:00 PM; You saved my day again.

  5. Sounds very interesting:) Please enter me. Thanks!!


  6. Definitely my kind of book. Please enter me. Thank you!
    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com


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