There's also two book giveaways going on! One here at Patterings for Christa Allan's debut novel Walking on Broken Glass, and the other at Adding Zest for Sheila Wray Gregoire's book Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight.
Also in the news today is Clearing the Blog Fog! Two workshops are now available to sign up for. Here's a quick run down:
Clearing the Blog Fog
Workshop Description:
Blogging is more than a web journal, it encompasses everything from marketing to ministry and so much more. If you're thinking about blogging, but don't know where to start, or why you should start now, Clearing the Blog Fog will get you going. You'll learn the benefits and the basics of blogging, and how to set up a blog from start to the final tweaks. When you're done with this month long workshop, you'll have a blog that's ready to roll.
Clearing the Blog Fog Workshop Outline
1. Benefits of blogging
2. Basics of blogging
3. Starting your blog
4. Posting
5. Pictures Plus
6. Ready-made Layouts
7. Personalize your blog
8. Sensible sidebars
9. Personalize that header
10. Create a siggy
11. Creating buttons
12. Linking your blog with Facebook
The class is run through a yahoo group so people can interact and learn from each other as we walk through each lesson and assignment together. The cost is $30 and at the end of the month, you'll have a sharp looking blog. You'll also have the know-how to customize it yourself to reflect you and the journey you're on.
Sign up now to reserve your spot in Clearing the Blog Fog!
If you've been blogging for awhile and are ready to take it up to the next step, but you don't need all the basics, try the Do It Yourself Blog Make-over Workshop...
DIY Blog Make-over Workshop
Workshop Description:
Are you tired of the stock layouts Blogger offers? Would you like to have your blog reflect who you are without trying to explain it to someone? Then Do It Yourself Blog Make-over workshop is for you! In this two week class you'll learn how to take a basic stock layout and customize it with backgrounds, borders, blockquotes, buttons, and more. When you're done you'll have the experience to create the look you want, when you want it.
DIY Blog Make-over Workshop outline:
1. Personalize your blog – Decorate! - Think curb appeal!
- Backgrounds
- Borders
- Blockquotes
- Layout elements
- column widths
- post separators with an image (not just a line)
- Gadgets
- Headers
- Sizing
- How to
- Adjustments
4. Increase traffic to your blog
5. Nav Bars and Pages
6. Siggys, Buttons and Banners
7. Favicons
8. Email Subscriptions
The class is run through a yahoo group so people can interact and learn from each other as we walk through each lesson and assignment together. The cost is $20 and at the end of the two weeks, you'll have a fresh blog. You'll also have the know-how and experience to customize it yourself to reflect you, whenever you want to.
The class runs from April 5-18. If you're new to blogging, it's recommended that you take Clearing the Blog Fog where we walk through the fine print details of setting up a blog to get the most out of it.
Sign up now to reserve your spot in Do It Yourself Blog Make-over!
If the dates listed don't work well for you, email me because there may be other options that are not currently listed. Also, if you and some of your friends would like a class when there isn't one listed, we can see about arranging a class for as few as 3-5 people. Email me and we'll put something together for you.
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