In Black and White

Monday Manna

Today is Monday Manna at An Open Book and Joanne gave us a verse with few words, but it packs a punch!

And having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.
~Romans 6:18

Two phrases:
freed from sin
slaves of righteousness

Two colors:

There is no straddling this fence.
There is no middle ground.
There is no gray area.
It's black or white.
One or the other.

When we lived in sin, we lived in blackness—complete darkness. But those of us redeemed by Christ, having been washed by His blood, are clothed in white robes—the righteousness of Jesus.

Because we are freed from sin (past tense) we no longer have to live (present tense) as slaves to sin. We do not have to follow the dictates of sin. Sure, sin will try to entangle us, entrap us, sweet talk us and command us. But Jesus freed us from having to listen to, and obey, sin. We can cling to Jesus and through HIS righteousness we can live.

Two phrases:
freed from sin
slaves of righteousness

Two colors:

Two masters:

Which is your master?


  1. Ooohh - SO good, and so true! So much of the world is this way, but we pretend it isn't. Thanks for the reminder, sweetie - and thanks of participating.

  2. Succinct. It's as clear as crystal and not nearly as fragile—solid truth for a needy world.


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