This week's discussion questions are based on At the Well's theme verses from Titus 2.

Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their won husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored. ~Titus 2:3-5
Many times in my life there have been older women that came alongside me, sometimes for an extended length of time in the form of a Sunday School teacher or fellow nursery worker, and sometimes simply a lady that spent 15 minutes talking with me. Those women often gave me a great gift in some little nugget of wisdom that they shared with me, maybe even unknowingly. Many of those nuggets have stuck with me for years and have made a difference in my life. Sometimes it was only a few sentences that they said about their husbands that showed me how or where I was erring. Some were more blatant. One wonderful lady said to me more than once, “Oh, Honey, you can't...” and she would then go on to gently instruct me in a better way.
Both of those methods are ones that I want to grow into. If a sister can glean something from my life, however small a nugget it may be, I'll be pleased that God used me. How thankful I am for all of those ladies who were older women to me! They had an impact on who I am today, and I pray that God will use me in a similar manner.
My weakness in this area? I'm one that is much more comfortable speaking through my fingers than with my mouth. I often let my fear of becoming tongue-tied seal my lips shut. Moses has nothing on me when it comes to wanting someone else to do the actual speaking!
My strength? Um, yeah. I haven't found those yet.
For several years now I've asked God to use me. To work through me. My goal is to be more available to Him—and that has to mean my mouth, too, not just my fingers. I need to remember that He is strong in my weakness. I don't see myself as an older woman yet...I still feel 23, but when I work in the nursery I'm forced to see that I am older to at least some. (And it totally cracks me up!) I need to keep my heart and ears open to God's prompting so when He says speak (or write) I'm ready to obey. I need to rely on His power to do the task He's called me to do—and being an older woman to some is something I'm called to according to Titus 2.
No matter where we are in life, there are women that are younger than us and we are responsible for teaching them and passing on to them the things we've learned—things that will make their lives better, more fulfilling and help them be obedient to God's call on their lives. That's something all of us are called to do, in any and every way we can.
In order for our message to be heard, we need to make sure that what we have to say isn't discounted because of how we live. We need to walk our talk. We need to be reverent in our behavior—not pushing the envelope of what's acceptable and what's not. We need to stay away from gossip—our mouths get us in soooo much trouble! We cannot be enslaved to much wine—but I think being enslaved to anything that is not producing godliness in us would go along here. Being enslaved to things that draw our focus away from God will discount our testimony and anything we have to say about living for God.
When we walk a life that is God honoring, what we have to say will have credibility and God will be able to work through us to teach and encourage the younger women around us.
Don't forget to join us At the Well for links to more thoughts on Titus 2 and being an older woman.

"When we walk a life that is God honoring, what we have to say will have credibility and God will be able to work through us to teach and encourage the younger women around us."
ReplyDeleteThese are great words Patty! And SO true. We must strive for Holliness and then let the Father do the rest. That alone will be our testimony to those younger women around us!
Thanks so much for being a part of the team and for your wonderful thoughts to day At the Well.
ahhhhh yes, walking the talk...
ReplyDeleteI've asked God too to USE me in whatever ways HE commands...that scares me a know..BUT in order to become that "WOMAN" of wisdom, I've got to be open to it ALL!
You are not alone in still looking for your "strengths!" I thought I WAS THE ONLY 40 year old who'd not yet figured out WHO SHE IS!
peace Patty!
"When we walk a life that is God honoring, what we have to say will have credibility and God will be able to work through us to teach and encourage the younger women around us." - AMEN! Walking our talk goes so far in setting the example for those around us. Great post here At the Well today!
ReplyDelete"My weakness in this area? I'm one that is much more comfortable speaking through my fingers than with my mouth. I often let my fear of becoming tongue-tied seal my lips shut. Moses has nothing on me when it comes to wanting someone else to do the actual speaking!"
Patty, I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through At The Well.
Oh, yes, dear friend. I feel JUST the same about feeling like I don't think I can be an "older woman" to anyone. But God is working on me! Wonderful thoughts, dear!
ReplyDeleteOh precious sister Patty!
ReplyDeleteI SO love coming to visit you!
You said:
"In order for our message to be heard, we need to make sure that what we have to say isn't discounted because of how we live."
This particular thought is something that always sobers me and causes me to examine my own heart and relationship with Christ BEFORE I think I ever have anything to "teach" someone else.
Thank you, thank you for this gentle reminder!
I love you sister! ♥
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the encouragement! It is so true that we need to "walk the talk". It's really the only way that the world will be able to see that we are different. I'm so glad I'll get the chance to get to know you and these other wonderful ladies in the coming weeks and months!
"No matter where we are in life, there are women that are younger than us and we are responsible for teaching them and passing on to them the things we've learned—things that will make their lives better, more fulfilling and help them be obedient to God's call on their lives."
ReplyDeleteYou have honed in on the very thing that God has shown me recently and that is ALL of us are older than someone and we have a responsibility to teach and mold them after Christ. You said you haven't found a strength but I think the fact that you realize you have a responsibility to teach and mentor someone younger is definetly a strength. May God use in a mighty way to reach the younger generation for Him. -Blessings, Laurie
I feel like there is soooo much I can glean from older women but then I know I need to be an example to the younger as well. I want to still be young, but alas the greys are sticking out. LOL! Your post was an encouragement today as was your post on mine. Thank you so much!
I appreciate your comments. I have been blessed by older women who have walked before me. I believe time is short and we al must be pouring our heats out before God and pouring love into others. If we really love them, we will serve them. I think that is what I am being called to.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week.
I praise God for the older women who have touched my life; first and foremost my mother and grandmother, the latter of whom has with the Lord for 11 years now. I miss her so!
ReplyDeleteI am going to learn so much from you. Thank you for sharing.