Linus, my beloved cat, is gone. He went out one night and didn't come home the next day. By mid-morning I had a good idea that he wouldn't be coming back because he had never done that before. He was bottle fed as a kitten and had always loved being in the house with us, even though my younger boys aggravated him by always wanting to snuggle with him. (He was soooo soft!) He would go out and follow the kids all around the yard and field as they played, just like a dog. We had him for 1 1/2 years and he grew big, lazy and very adept at communicating what he wanted. I have to admit that I truly miss him.

Living out in the midst of cornfields, like we do, losing small animals isn't unusual. There are dogs running loose, not to mention the coyotes and foxes. Predators abound both on the ground and in the air and small animals have to be kept close. The farther they roam from home the more likely they are to be injured or killed by a predator .
The same is true for us as Christians. Predators abound in our lives and they're out to get us.
Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. ~I Peter 5:8
Our safety is found in God's shelter, in His dwelling place. The farther we roam from our Father, the greater the chance of being tormented by our adversary.
For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper, and from the deadly pestilence. ~Psalm 91:3
The eternal God is a dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms; ~Deuteronomy 33:27
For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; in the secret place of His tent He will hide me; ~Psalm27:5How close to home are you?
That is the cutest kitty EVER!!! EVER!! almost got so caught up in wanting to cuddle with him that I missed the message - ALMOST. Staying on His path for us is so critical. (Check out Cat's WFW if you get a chance - similar message and wonderful as well!) Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteGood message. Sorry about Linus. Not knowing what happened can be tough. Sunny
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about Linus, so cute! (And I'm a big cat fan too - my own 'furball' is purring next to me as I write this.) And so touching the way you weaved this heartbreak into one of God's eternal truths, reminding us not to stray from His 'everlasting arms.' Amen to that.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about Linus. :o( Unfortunately it is a great analogy to stay close to the Lord and His covering.
ReplyDeleteI pray Linus is off partying and will return to you.
Aww, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat! You're right though.. that's an excellent parallel. Thank you for sharing. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for allowing the Lord to use a painful thing as a blessing to others. I'm so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteOh, my heart goes out to you guys. I don't think I have ever seen such a cute cat. Perfect analogy. Just perfect.
ReplyDeleteI also don't think I have ever seen a cuter cat. My Boots was out for a week - because I went to CA believing him to be in the house. When I got home I went out on the deck and started calling, with a kind of hopeless hope, and he came running across the yard to me. I was amazed as we also have coyotes. I hope Linus will return.
ReplyDeleteI very much appreciate your analogy. I like the cute little song that says satan is under our feet - but if we don't realize he actually is prowling like a lion... we are in danger.
Great set-up Patty. Linus is so cute.
Ahhh... so sorry. It's so hard not knowing for sure, isn't it? Great analogy!
ReplyDeleteOh Peejers I'm so sorry about your cute kitty-cat! Your message about straying cuts deep, following on the heels my own convicting like it is. Thank you so much!
ReplyDelete:( I'm so glad we know that the "one who sees the sparrow fall" is in control. I'm sorry about your beloved kitty. Your message is perfect.
ReplyDeleteOh no!! Did your poor cat come back yet? My goodness, I feel so bad he is lost!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lesson you weaved using his story.