Tomorrow is...

Our very first Fiction Friday and I'm so excited!! Anyone who wants to join us is more than welcome to!! The more the merrier! Invite everyone and anyone--there's room for everyone that wants to participate!

*Simply post a piece of fiction on your blog sometime on Friday. Let everyone know you're participating in Fiction Friday and post a link to here at Patterings so they can follow the link trail.

*Then come here and at the bottom of my Friday post, which will be fiction, simply add your name and paste in the url of your blog (there will be a Mister Linky's auto-link widget) and viola! We'll have our very own Fiction Friday.

This is just a fun way to post some of the fiction so many of us have written, and a fun way that maybe we can share our fiction with people who like to read, but not necessarily write, so tell your friends!

Oh, and one more thing: This does not have to be hot-off-the-press fiction! Pull something you like off your shelf and post it! (Like an old Faithwriters entry. *Grin*)

I hope you can join us—whether you like writing fiction or just reading fiction!

Get a Fiction Friday Button!


  1. Hi Patty!

    What a great idea! Once I finish the NaBloPoMo challenge over at my blog, I will join in. This looks like too much fun, and, I love the button!

    Blessings to you!

  2. Love this idea. I will get my creative juices flowing and see what I can come up with! Blessings.

  3. Good Morning. This is good timing for me. Thanks for the prompt.

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Love the idea—so much to do, so little time, but if I can't post my own, I can certainly read.

  5. Hi, I did my post. I do not know who Joanne is Dear heart. It really felt good to write today.

  6. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Would like to join. Looks like fun..


  7. This is a great idea! Now does it have to be a completed work, or can it be just one chapter or an article?

    Laura Davis


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