JollyDaze 4 n Me Meme

We had so much fun with the a 2 z meme that we want to momentum to continue, so, for the next 6 weeks, we're doing JollyDaze 4 u & me. A holiday meme to carry us into 2012, and we'd love, Love, LOVE to have you join us. Interested but don't know why or where to start? Check out my post on the benefits of blog memes in "How to Make the Most of Memes."

Here’s the scoop on JollyDaze 4 u & me:
  • Linking day will continue to be on Tuesdays since we’re already programed that way, but you can do your post anytime during the week and then link up with us.
  • Come and go as you wish—NO pressure, it’s here to serve YOU not you serve it.
  • Everyone is welcome to join us and link up with us! The more the merrier.
  • You can do your own holiday themed post and link up
  • I’ve got an ‘idea starter schedule’ mapped out for us...

JollyDaze 4 & me Idea starter Schedule:
  • Nov 22 (next Tuesday): Thanksgiving. ANYthing Thanksgiving.
  • Nov 29: Favorite Christmas Traditions... memories of a tradition...
  • Dec 6: Christmas Decorations... your favorites and what they mean to you... how to make a particular Christmas decoration... decorations you remember...
  • Dec 13: Christmas Baking... Recipes... funnies... memories from the kitchen...
  • Dec 20: Church Activities/Celebrations... Cantatas... Plays... Readings... Candle light services... Dinners... baskets or gifts to needy... A memorable/meaningful church Christmas event...
  • Dec 27: New Year’s Celebrations... Traditions... Resolutions (although if you want we can run an extra linky on New Year’s Day for resolution type things)... Starting point... Memories...
These are JUST ideas in case you want ideas. You can do your own thing!! Even posts about the Nativity account in the Bible would be FABulous, so really, use this to serve you and fit you—just keep it holiday related and themed (the holidays being: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, NOT St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s and... ) *wink*

Here's the JollyDaze 4 u & me button code, if you want it:

If you have any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. =)

Come join us and bring a friend!


  1. Sounds FUN! May be linking up after NaNoWriMo :)

  2. YAYAY!
    Remember, you can come and go in the meme as you have time. You do NOT have to participate every week! =]

  3. HI Patty! I'm interested in joining up but I'm not sure what steps I need to do for it. How do I connect my posts with everyone else's?

    valerierco at yahoo dot ca

  4. Hi Valerie!
    So glad to hear you’re interested in joining us!

    To join us, simply put up a post on your site about the holidays (this Tuesday is Thanksgiving since most of us are US) then go to my site and add your name and url (to that specific post) to the linky at the bottom of Tuesday’s post—next Tuesday’s post. It goes live at 12:02 AM Central time each Tuesday so it’s available for night owls and early bird. That’s it. Well, and visit some others and leave some comments. =]

    To see a meme in action, and how we link up together, go to my blog and look at Tuesday’s post (Zippedy Doo). At the very end of it is a linky widget where they added their names and url. Those are hyperlinks to their sites and always available.

    Monday’s post “How to make the most of memes” gives more info on memes—In chatting with others who participated in the a2z meme we just finished, I found it wasn’t just me it pulled out of a blogging slump. It’s been a great help to us and fun. =]

    Hope to see you on Tuesday!!
    And if this doesn’t make sense, let me know and I’ll give it another go.

  5. I think I'll join in when I can! Sounds fun :-)

  6. This does sound like a lot of fun. And I will definitely be joining in next week. Thanks for explaining how to link up. I was wondering about that too.


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