meet Diana Brandmeyer


Diana Lesire Brandmeyer has a background in education and psychology. Her credits include My Devotions, The Metro East Family Gazette, Little Visits Family Devotions and The Lutheran Witness. She received her degree from Webster University. She is the author of Hearts on the Road, A Time to Dance, Mystery of the Smithton Necklace and The Trouble with Ralph. She lives in Southern Illinois where the corn grows at a rapid rate behind her home.

She’s married and has 3 grown sons all on their own now, each of them bringing someone special to join the family. Yay! Daughters-in-law!

Diana loves having pets, right now there is only one in the house, a cat named Wendell and an occasional granddog named Rusty

Hearts on the Road

Love cannot be trusted.

Abandoned by her father, betrayed by her fiancĂ©, and forsaken by God, truck driver Randi Davis crisscrosses Wyoming with a broken heart, vowing never to love another man. Suddenly Matthew Carter, a pastor in search of a mobile ministry, is thrust into her life and into her cab. And there’s nothing she can do about it.

Soon Randi and Matthew find themselves at cross-purposes. His life on the road has just begun. Her eight-year-old niece needs a parent to come home to every day. Is this the end of the road for Randi and Matthew’s romance?

Which road leads to God’s ultimate plan?

You can purchase Hearts on the Road from CBD and Amazon:

Diana is giving away a copy of Hearts on the Road. To be entered in the book giveaway, leave a comment and check back on Sunday, January 10th to see if you've won. You can enter twice--once on each post in this spotlight. If you want to guarantee that you're notified if you win, then leave your email address in the comment, otherwise, you can just check back and email me through the button in my sidebar.
**Annoying little disclaimer: This giveaway is void where prohibited; open only to U.S. addresses, odds of winning depend on number of entrants. No purchase necessary. By clicking on the Amazon link above or in the sidebar and purchasing I will receive a small percentage of the sale.

On deck for tomorrow is an interview with Diana. See ya then!


  1. I'd like to read this book. Thanks.

  2. Oooh - sounds good!

    Count me in :D

  3. Anonymous2:09 PM

    This sounds like a good one!

  4. Thanks for hosting a give-a-way! Wish you could all win.Diana

  5. Please enter me.


  6. please enter me into the drawing


  7. Anonymous3:31 PM

    This book sounds wonderful! Please enter me. Thanks,

  8. Please enter me in the drawing. Sounds like a good book.



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