Christmas at Our House

Hello and welcome to my house! I'm participitating in the Internet Cafe's Holiday Expo, and this week is the Tour of Homes. I know you're not usually greeted at the door with a list of rules, but it will make me feel better to give you some house rules. LoL.
Photobucket We have 5 kids that are home ALL day, EVERY day (homeschool).
Photobucket Our home is pretty utilitarian in nature.
Photobucket I'm severely decorating challanged. If something is decorated nicely in my house, it's almost guaranteed that my wonderful husband picked it out. He's very artistic and talented. (Thank goodness!)

If you keep all that in mind, I'd love to show you the things that make-up the Christmas season at our house.

The very first Christmas decorations that come out every year are the Nativity scenes, and quite often they'll be out for a week before our tree gets put up. I have a small set that I brought back from Ecuador, and it sits on my kitchen window sill--it's probably my favorite simply because it came from home.

Then there's the set that Jim brought home from Kenya, when he was there on a missions trip just a couple weeks before our youngest was born. This set isn't pretty, but it resembles the Masai people who carved it, and that's where the beauty is for me. Yes, the wisemen pieces are up, and I understand that they weren't at the manger that night, but I can't bear to not put them up, so they're there, too.

The kids' favorite Nativity set, by far, is the set my parents gave us. They made sure to find a kid-friendly set that will last for years even with constant kid-handling. This one goes on our school cabinet that puts it within reach of the younger ones (but not toddlers LoL) and they love arranging it. When they set it up, it does not look like this--LoL, I played with it to get the picture.

On Saturday the boys put the tree up for us and managed to get the lights on (Jim & I were thrilled that they did it this year!) LoL--for some reason they didn't think it was quite as fun this year as it's been in the past for them. Reality does that you, huh? That night while they relaxed with a movie, the youngest wasn't feeling well and he and Linus curled up under the tree. Linus napped while my little guy watched the movie.

Monday night we were able to decorate the tree and put out the rest of the Christmas decorations. As always, they're thrilled with the tree. And I'm happy to have it up. I love Christmas!

One of the favorite Christmas decoration is this train. It doesn't normally sit in front of the fireplace, but the kids were watching a movie (our tv lives in the closet) so we moved it out of the way so they could camp out on the floor and not be scrunched up on the couch.

This year I tried to get out of setting up the Christmas village, but the kids vetoed that. For some reason they really like it, and they get quite upset when a piece gets it did right after I took this picture. LoL. But they'll glue it, just like they have in past years. On the window sill is Mr. & Mrs. Snowman, who were some of my very first Christmas decorations.

These little guys are some of my favorites and every year they sit on the sashing of my kitchen windows. They're among the last of the Christmas decorations to be put away, and often hang around until almost Spring.

And there you have it--a simple Christmas out in the corn fields at the edge of nowhere (LoL, or so I'm told). The only thing missing is about 20 family members crowded in all together--now that's when it's truly Christmas here!

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to stop by the Cafe for links to many more homes.

Merry Christmas!


  1. I love it! Thanks for letting us in your house, Peejers! Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh, Peej, I am thoroughly enjoying these pictures! Your kids are so cute and sweet! Love the natvity sets--I have so many, too, and this year, I had to leave one in the box and it made me sad...but it's such fun seeing all the different ones you've collected through the years. Isn't that what's so cool about Christmas decorations?! Our trees are covered with the many ornaments that Joseph made and ones we bought everytime we go on vacation! Not always matching, but who cares? The memories are what's important. Thanks for sharing your hearth and home!

  3. Thank you, Patty, for allowing me to visit your home! These pictures are lovely! I particularly like the one with the little one and the kitty under the tree - so sweet! Blessings and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Your home is so nice and homey! Looks great!

  5. Patty, it's nice to see a bit of your personal life. Christmas time is indeed very extra special when your little ones are all still at home. Be blessed!

  6. I love all your nativities. My mom collects nativity sets (she has about a dozen now, from all over the world). I want to start collecting them too, but thus far I just have one little one...I want a couple that the kids can play with, as well as a fancy (breakable) one...yeah, that will have to be future years. LOL!

  7. I also love all the nativities! You know the story of mine (LOL). And you are NOT decorationally challenged, silly! It looks so comfortable and "homey." Thanks for letting me in!

  8. I absolutely love the "not so pretty" nativity!!!

    And your family looks like a precious bunch!

    Merry Christmas,

  9. I love your nativity collection. The pics are beautiful!

  10. I love the nativity scenes!

    Whatta beautiful family!

    Happy Holidays!!


  11. Thanks for sharing your Christmas Home and your family, Peej!! Both are beautiful.


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