Monkey Monday

Here's what Toby thinks about being left out of the loop here...

Toby is shocked that it seems like I've forgotten him. So, he sat me down for a long talk. He can be very persuasive when he wants to be and he convinced me to let him visit on here. He wanted to be here all the time--you know how monkeys can be--but I put my foot down and told him "Maybe on Mondays."

After some dithering and toe picking, he agreed to my terms. Smart monkey.

I reminded him that I said MAYBE on Mondays. He just scrunched his nose and turned away. He knows me entirely too well.

Monkey Monday at Patterings
We sealed the deal with a vanilla wafer and a hand shake.

So, here's to Monkey Mondays. A time to share pictures, information, and funnies of my boy. And maybe not just Toby but a few other monkeys I know virtually.


  1. Yay for. Toby! Can't. Wait to see his silly mug here more often. :)

    1. LoL. I love my Toby and work to keep him from taking over around here. A day for him, like this, might help keep us both happy. =]

  2. I love Toby! I need to schedule a "field trip" for Radley to come visit & meet Toby. Now that he's homeschooled, he would LOVE a chance to "meet a monkey."


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