Listen to the Tears

Recently I was rejected.

No, that’s not true.

I wasn’t rejected at all, not in any way. One of my manuscripts was.

But that wasn’t the problem. In all honesty, at this point in my journey, I expect the rejections--they’re part of the process and I’m okay with that. The problem was what it led me to.

Rejection isn’t the problem. What we do with it is. (Tweet this.)

As I processed the rejection, I asked the Lord if I needed to set aside my writing and focus on the many other things in my life, or if I needed to simply stop writing altogether, if it was just a pipe dream or hobby that pulled me out of the rut I was in at one point.

The thought of not writing, of closing my computer and laying aside my pen made me cry. Not just cry, but it brought on the sobs and I am not a sob-er. Thankfully, it made me stop and take notice.

The rejection tears made me realize how important writing is to me, that it’s something I really, really want to do. It’s one of those things that I’ll keep doing in spite of rejections. Writing is therapy and sanity. It clears my head and helps me think and process. I hold my pen carefully—not clutching it so it can’t be taken from my fingers, but firmly enough to write with, and until God takes my pen or impresses on me the need to stop, writing is one of those things I’ll keep doing.

Listening to the tears saved me hours and possibly days of needless soul searching, trying to figure out what I should do. They showed me one of the things that is truly important in my life.

Think about the things that have brought on tears that feel like they’re being torn from your heart. What caused them? What can you learn from them and how can they change or simplify your life?

Listen to your tears—they can clarify the important things in your life. (Tweet this.)


  1. Powerful post, my friend. And a reminder I most certainly needed as well. Love ya.

    1. Thanks, JoDear. Sometimes clarity comes with a big price tag, but it sure does help.

  2. Wow. I needed this, too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh Niki. Praying you've found clarity and direction. It's not a fun path, but at least it points things out to us.

  3. Excellent and so true. I'm so sorry and yet so glad that you had clarity by listening to your tears. i cannot imagine you not writing. Write on, dear sister.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. This is something you and I have talked about before and I thought of you as I processed my tears and thought all this through (again). I can't imagine not writing either.

  4. Patty, without your writing and sharing, I wouldn't have a blog, write for a blog or be a contributor for Christian Women'sVoice magazine. And I wouldn't be putting the finishing touches on my small self-published collection of posts (only done at my Mother's request) for family history and, hopefully, some encouragement for others. Your writing is definitly that blessing and good for you to stay true to that writer's heart. Happy Birthday!!!

    1. Thank you, Nancy. You are such a huge encouragement to me. =]

      It's been soooo fun watching you take off and fly. So happy for you. =]

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about the rejection, Patty. Sending you warm hugs of encouragement. Keep writing. That contract may be just around the next query!

    1. Thank you, Dora. I'm trusting God to send what He knows best for me. Even if that's not a contract. =]

  6. Hang in there, Patty! What a blessing you are to so many, through your writing, mentoring, and just being you. There will be a home for your story somewhere! Thank you for sharing this too...made me think.

    1. Kiersti, thank you. This is one of those things I've been slow to learn. Wish I'd learned it sooner because it would've saved me a lot of wondering and wandering. LoL.

      You guys are all a big blessing and encouragement to me. I'm so thankful for all of you!!!


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