I Click my iPhone

A to Z blog hop at Patterings
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We'd love to have you join the fun, either blogging your way through the alphabet with us, or simply visiting. =) We dearly love visitors.

This week is the letter I.

If you're joining in the meme, be sure to link up with us at the end of this post. Since this is a blog hop, you can grab the code for the linky down there too. Find more info about the A to Z meme here.
Last week I got to take a (free!) iPhoneography class from CreativeLIVE and boy was it ever fun! The class itself was good (even if parts of it were way over my head), but what made it fun was taking it with Diana Brandmeyer. We had our own conversation going on the side, some class related, some not, but all of it good. Diana's talking about some great iphoneography apps so be sure to visit her for those.

Pinterest - where some of my pictures land.
Pictures stir my imagination and I've found that photography is something that I find relaxing and fun. I play with it and enjoy heading out with my camera. I lose track of time and just enjoy. By the time I come home I feel refreshed and infused with creativity--even if I only stay in my yard. It's one of my favorite things to do when there's a clog in the creativity pipeline.

Instagram - opened a whole new world to me.
But I'm not a photographer. Not by any stretch of the imagination. So why did I take an iPhoneography class? Because I like using my own pictures on Facebook, for my blog posts, some of which I can pin to Pinterest, and more than that, I love  Instagram. In fact, I've found a whole new circle of friends on Instagram, and for my writer friends, that translates into a broader platform.

Since I don't often carry a camera with me, I've begun using the camera on my phone more. As a mom of teens, I always have my phone with me, so I decided it was worth investing the time to learn how to use it better. I'm so glad I did.

Before the class this is what I had.
After the class I could do this.
I shot this next picture looking into the sun. I missed getting the picture of my son riding this thresher from 1911 and I wanted at least a shot of his smile after. If I had waited it until I got him to turn around while I ran around the thresher, it would've been a canned smile, so I simply grabbed what I could. I was disappointed when I saw the original picture I got and almost deleted it, but I brought the picture into SnapSeed (my favorite photo app), played with it. I ended up with several variations that are really cool.

The other evening I snapped a sunset picture on the way home. A few tweaks in SnapSeed and I was ready to bring it into the Phonto app to add the text. All done in the van before I got home. Fun!!

Here's my Instagram feed. I love that I can post from my phone, from almost everywhere I go.

I love the versatility and all the potential of taking pictures with my phone. There's so much I can do with the pictures. Fun things that are both relaxing and that count as work for me.

I love that.
iPhoneography. It works for me.

So tell me, are you on Instagram or Pinterest? How much do you use your phone for social media? 
Don't forget to go visit Diana. She's got some photo apps for us!

If you're joining us for the A to Z meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter I, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here. Also, if you don't have the linky gadget on your site, click the link to get the code so you can add it.


  1. These are some great shots, Patty! I love taking pictures, but never feel like I capture the best angles or light. I'll have to check out SnapSeed. Thanks!

    1. SnapSeed is fantastic! I love it. It's made pictures that are nominal, usable, and for that I'm very thankful for.

  2. Nice photos, Patty! I don't use the camera on my phone much, but I do love taking pictures with my DSLR. My wife and I like to get out early on Saturday mornings and drive around to snap photos of the sunrise, deer, and whatever else we see. Thanks for sharing!

    1. My DSLR is my favorite to use BUT I don't always have it with me whereas I do my phone so I've been using that much more often. It's better than missing the pictures and when they're on my phone I've found that I use them. That whole instant gratification thing with pictures is fantastic. =]

  3. SO pretty - and very cool what you can do with those tools! You KNOW I'm on pinterest :::R:::. ;) And, by the way, Annika seems fascinated with Instagram :::r::: - may have to give that a try at SOME point (gotta get adjusted to pinterest first). I wish it weren't as much of a hassle to get pix off my phone and onto the puter - I might use somethig like Instagram more if it were easy.

    1. Jo, I didn't touch Instagram until I got my smart phone. It was one of the big reasons I was excited about getting that phone.

    2. Do you know how much better that makes me feel? LOL

    3. LoL. Good. Pinterest is more than enough (for now, hehehehehehe). Really. It's called INTSAgram cuz you can do it on the fly, from your phone, in down time as you wait, no extra book or bag necessary. ;-)

  4. I love taking beautiful photos, but don't have the patience to sit down and actually learn from a class. Sigh. I'm a huge fan of Pintrest!

    1. LoL. The class was a webinar sort and I was able to carry my iPad around with me while I did chores. It was worth it. =] I'll look you up on Pinterest. =]

  5. Nice photos! Looks like you're really enjoying yourself. I've only recently graduated to a smart phone. (Was using the dumb phone) Still getting used to the fickle thing. Have yet to really utilize the camera and have not even looked at the edit apps

    My photography has taken a backseat due to physical limitations of my hip problems. Once I recover from the hip replacement, I plan to get back into photography. Maybe even start a Pinterest collection during my extended recovery period.

    1. Oh Barb, that's such a bummer about how your hip is affecting your photography. =[ Praying your recovery is quick.

      Using your phone camera and edit apps is something you can do without sitting at the computer, and that's one of the things I love about it. =]

  6. I always enjoy your pictures, Patty. You certainly look like a "photographer" to me :) Enjoy your craft and keep sharing. You brighten our day!

    1. Thank you, Nancy. =]
      I was thinking of and praying for your ladies today.

  7. I loved that class, Patty! Like you my photos are so much better now. I need to take more though. My instagram feed is pretty small.

    1. I need to take more too. I just get rolling through my day and forget. But today I took a picture in the grocery store...but I probably won't post it on Instagram since it was a certain brand of TP that reminded me of someone. LoL. Instead I sent the pic to him and told him I was thinking of him. hehe. Yes, I'm strange. LoLoLoL.

  8. I've never herd of Snap seed! Gonna have to check it out:) I don't use instagram. I signed up, but never use it. You're inspiring me:)

    1. SnapSeed is great, Susan, and Instagram is fun. I usually remember it when I'm not home and have snapped a picture of something. LoL. It's been cool meeting new people there by--people interested in some of the same things as me. =]

  9. I use my phone all the time. And I use picmonkey to edit them. Fun post!

    1. Karla, I've heard several people mention PicMonkey. Must check that one out! =]

  10. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I use my phone all the time...andcrun the battery down, often! I don't have an iPhone. And I have never used Instagram...and never heard of SnapSeed (or picmonkey, Karla...what is that!). But I always love your pics, Patty. You take good ones. Good post!

    1. Oh yeah. Running down the battery and filling the memory on the phone are things I excel at. LoL. At SeMo fair I begged and borrowed my son's charging pack and held it in my hand with my phone while taking pictures and playing with them. Pathetic and funny. I need to get one of those for myself. He wasn't around this weekend and I was almost red-lining by the time we got home from the Golconda Shrimp Fest. Scary!! (red lining, not the shrimp fest!) LoL


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