A to Z Meme

A to Z blog hop at Patterings
Can you see me
happy dancing?

A to Z is back and I'm so happy. This is my favorite blog meme to participate in and host.

What's a meme? A meme is when a group of people get together and post on a similar topic or theme. It's the blogger's version of a progressive dinner...or a potluck dinner. Full of variety and fun.

Here's why the A to Z meme is my favorite...
  • Because A to Z gives me the perfect excuse to just post on any random thing that happens to begin with the letter of the week. 
  • It often opens my eyes to things in my world that begin with that letter and lets me post on things I wouldn't normally post about. 
  • I take a lot of pictures and it's a fun outlet for them.
  • A to Z is a great post jump-starter for me, often giving me just the spark of inspiration and creativity I need.

The A to Z meme will be starting again next Friday, July 26th. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us. It's a come as you can thing--no commitment, just jump in and post on the week's letter as you can.

I'll be posting a blog hop linky so each of you can have the linky gadget on your sites. It's more user friendly that way. =) If you'd like all the linky codes (A through Z) so you can schedule ahead, email me (patterly {at}gmail{dot}com) and I'll get it right to you.

Here's the deal for A to Z:

  • Anyone can play. Some of us will be returning A to Z-ers, but any one can join us and we would LOVE to have you along! The more the merrier! Grab a friend and join us!!
  • Anything goes. If you're pressed for time, pressed for brain cells (a common ailment of mine), stumped, whatever... a simple list will work! Or a picture or a verse—anything to get a post up. Seriously. Just make sure it ties in with the week’s letter. It can also be as focused or even a complicated post about a word that starts with that letter. Anything goes, related to the letter.
  • One letter a week. We'll start with A and finish around the end of January, unless we take off for the holidays.
  • Friday's the day. (This is different from past rounds, so take note!!) Posting day is Friday. Or Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. ROFL. If you're like me, you might not remember on Friday, so any day works. I don't care, but that brings me to...
  • Let's link together! Part of the fun of a meme is linking together so we can encourage each other on. I'll put a linky up on my site each Friday, shortly after midnight so you can link up. Since this is a hop, you'll be able to put the linky code in your post too so the links appear on your site. (So very handy! *grin*)
  • Guilt-free participation!  Time is precious commodity for all of us. If you participate, all I ask is that you take a few moments and visit and comment on TWO other participants' sites. No need to visit everyone, but a couple is very appreciated.

Want to know more about memes and why you'd want to participate? Check out Making the Most of Memes for more information.

Would you feel more comfortable joining us if you had more of an idea of how or what we do? Check out past A to Z posts and feel free to follow some of the links at the bottom of each post.

Grab the button and join in the fun! If you're joining us, we'd love to have you add the button to your sidebar or inside your post, or both.

A to Z blog hop at Patterings.

Don't forget, A to Z starts back up on Friday, July 26th. 
Hope to see you then!


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    YaY!!! A to Z is back!! How fun & I can't wait...and I'll be out of town for the first one, go figure. But I like this idea of having the linky thingy ahead of time, so I can schedule post! Awesome, Patty! You're so smart *wink* ~ Can't wait to jump in! ;-]

    1. YAYAY!! I was hoping you'd be able to join us! So excited! =]

  2. SO excited about this! Gonna try to jump in most weeks :)

    1. Jo, I'm so glad!! Come any and every time you can!! =] Open house policy. =]

  3. oooh. Awesome! I will probably join y'all as often as I can. I've been too frazzled to think of blogging topics on my own. :P

    1. Really?! YAYAY!! I've missed you so much, Sara!! So sorry to hear you've been this frazzled. That makes things so much...more. Praying for you, girlie. Sure hope you can join us from time to time.

  4. I'm joining! Blog has the button. :-)

  5. Trying to remember how to do all the nifty blogging things...starting with A!

  6. Anonymous1:03 AM

    oh, how I wish I've know this meme earlier^^* I would like to join you guys. Can I still hop in?

    1. It's never too late to join in! This Friday (November 1st) is the letter O.

    2. Anonymous12:16 AM

      Thank you so much for welcoming me. So are we skipping the Letter N? I will try to post my link here on Friday.^^*

    3. Last Friday (October 25) was the letter N, but I was at my parents' helping Mom with Dad's care and ended up skipping my N post. :( It was worth it, but a bummer that I missed it.

      Looking forward to seeing you Friday.

  7. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I see...I see ^^*
    By the way, I'm in Thailand and I wonder about our time difference (or day) I might visit here too early or late to link. :-)

    1. The link is open all weekend and through Monday, so you'll have plenty of time to link up with us. =]


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