Hitting the Highway

a 2 z meme with Patty Wysong at Patterings.
Welcome to this week's a 2 z
and the letter H.
If you're joining in the meme, be sure to link up with us at the end of this post. Find more info about the a 2 z meme here.

 Yesterday was a long, loong, looong day. 15 hours from the time we left until we got home, and most of the time was spent on the highway.

My two girls were in an accident last week. They weren't hurt, but their car was. Sometimes God does things to get our attention and I think this might have been one of those things.

Through this whole mess, we've seen God's hand over and over again.
  • The girls were not hurt.
  • The car is repairable.
  • We're seeing that if they had hit any other way, the damage might have been too much to repair, and the girls could have been hurt.
  • We found and bought an inexpensive car to get them back on the road--we barely squeaked by with the cars we had, so this will come in handy later too, after repairs.
  • Today it's stormy in Illinois, yesterday when we picked up the car in Chicagoland, it was beautiful.
  • The accident on the interstate yesterday only had us parked and waiting for 20 minutes or so. When we passed the wreck, we recognized the vehicles as ones that had passed us just before stopping at a rest area.
God is SO good!!

So, yesterday we hit the highway...

 I love the old barns of Illinois. They have so much character!!

My youngest thought this was Bald Knob Cross. It's not, it's in Effingham (right?) and it makes me smile every time I see it.

After all, we are the land of Lincoln here in Illinois...

So, that's been my week.
What have you been doing?

Oh! And today I'm at the Internet Cafe Devotions posting about something I learned from smelly tuna cans and what they can do to my life. Hope you can join me there for a minute or two...

If you're joining us for the a2z meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter H, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here.


  1. Glad you had a safe trip yesterday. Love your IL sky! Did you make the graphic on your Smelly Cans post on the Internet Cafe Devotions?

    1. Oh yeah, I LOVE our Illinois sky. I fell in love with it when we came down here to build the barn and I'm so glad we never left (like we intended on after building the barn, LoL). I love the sky and watching the storms roll across.

      The cool graphic at the Cafe? No, but I wish I did. I have a feeling Lori MacMath made it--she's GOOD!! Love her graphics!! =]

  2. SO glad you're home :) - and those pix are beautiful! And now I gotta go look at Lori's graphic on your post. :D

    1. So glad to be home, too!!
      Lori's graphic (if it is Lori's, if not, who ever's it is) is really good. I love it!!

  3. A tanker of grace! How easy it would have been if we cold stop over and tap a bit.

    1. Retha, that would be totally fantastic, wouldn't it?

      But yanno, thinking about it, we DO have access to God's grace. 24/7. It's a matter of us tapping into it. So cool. Thanks for mentioning that!!

  4. Yay for God's protection on the highways! Looks like a bad crunch on that car.

    1. Yes! So very thankful for God's protection!!
      The front of the car is crunched, but is repairable. They've already disassembled it and have a few parts on order. (We're repairing it ourselves since we have the ability and crew to do it. LoL. It's making a great family project!)

  5. Whoa! that is so scary! I'm thankful everyone is okay. Been there with my own kids and I don't like it.

    1. Not fun at all. And it's not something we'll ever out grow, either.

  6. Wow. What a story! Not having kids, I can't fully appreciate the scary situation when they hit the road and then hit or get hit by someone else. My husband, who loves cars, had close-call accidents when he was a young driver. He gives credit to God for sparing his life when he could have been killed. Speaking of my husband, check out his "H is for Hudson" post that he wrote for me this week. Like I said, he loves cars, so when I asked him what came to mind for the letter H, he had no trouble giving me an answer, or a post!

    1. It is scary. And maddening when it could have been avoided. LoL

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Holy Moly, Patty! YOU are the one who posted about the smelly garbage hole? Every morning I read my devotions posted in my email & today they ALL went right together & it was as if they were all talking to ME! So thank you for that. *wink* I'm glad & thankful your girls are ok. God IS so good! He teaches me every day & many days it takes more than a day for me to "get it." *eye roll* You & I have a lot more in common than I realized (by your pictures in this post)...which confirms that God crossed our paths for a reason! Whoopie!

    Hugz to ya girl!

    1. ROFL. Yes, I'm today's poster. I LOVE the Cafe--they're one of my favorite sites.

      That cross IS around Effingham, isn't it? Yesterday was a terrific day for a trip! =]

  8. So glad to hear your girls are okay! Love how you recognized all the ways the Lord had His hand on you. Thanks for sharing! God bless~

    1. It's been incredible to see His hand, Maria. Such a lesson for us and the kids as we've talked about it. Thanks for stopping by!!

  9. Glad to hear your kids are alright. That is so scary. Glad you can get the car repaired.
    The cross in the picture is the one in Effingham. My grandmother-in-law lives there and I've seen it many times. Bald Knob Cross is in Alto Pass, Illinois.

    1. Both crosses are so cool to see, Liz! I just have a hard time remembering what city this one is outside of. *eye roll* I don't go north too often. =]

  10. Oh ACK! My sons were in an accident in January. I'm still trying to get over the trauma of seeing the car upside down on the side of the road. Thanking God every day that they all walked away unscathed. Glad your girls are OK! And cool pics of part of the country I don't see very often (ever)!


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