Good Grief

a 2 z meme with Patty Wysong at Patterings.
Welcome to this week's a 2 z
and the letter G.
If you're joining in the meme, be sure to link up with us at the end of this post. Find more info about the a 2 z meme here.

Good grief. 
Time flies when you're monkeying around!

Since visiting my sister last weekend, this is what I've done...

Toby, my white faced capuchin monkey, dressed for work.

I've worked with Toby and also with two other monkeys at a fair--I was in training so I could come home and know better what to do with Toby.

For a solid week, I've been with monkeys.Toby and I will be spending many, many hours together in the upcoming weeks. It will be...interesting, among other things.

So tell me, what have you been doing? 
I've missed you guys!!

If you're joining us for the a2z meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter G, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here.


  1. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Toby looks just like a tiny, little old man! He's just so cute! *wink* I've been hanging out, trying to figure out what I'm going to say to the ladies at the luncheon I'm speaking at in a couple weeks. I know it will come when it's time. ;-]

  2. Is it silly to wish I were Toby? (and I THINK you know what I mean by that!)He is SUCH a cutiepie! Praying as you both learn together.

    And I've been doing school stuff -chauffering and stuff. But you knew that.

  3. You are having too much fun! Toby is adorable, Patty.


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