Fun with F

a 2 z meme with Patty Wysong at Patterings.
Welcome to this week's a 2 z
and the letter F.
If you're joining in the meme, be sure to link up with us at the end of this post. Find more info about the a 2 z meme here.

Yes, I'm late posting. Here's why...

I was able to spend a long weekend with my sister in Puerto Rico.  We had soooooo much FUN.

We went to two beaches every day--beach combing, NOT tanning--and found lots of cool stuff.

The flowers in PR are gorgeous. I love the colors!!

Yesterday, after running through Old San Juan, I flew home and got in late, late last night...

If you're joining us for the a2z meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter F, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here.


  1. I just know you had fun, even though you had to get in late last night.

    1. Oh yes!! It was WONDERFUL, Ginger!! One of those treats that only comes a few times in life. =] It would've been worth a few all-nighters!! =] =]

    2. Oh! One really nice thing about flying in late is that my husband came without any kids (too late for them with work and school) so we got to talk all the way home!! =] I was so happy! =] I missed talking with him... ;-)

  2. I love your pictures, Patty! Welcome back.

  3. Beautiful! I didn't know we could pack our bgs and FLY somewhere to find a letter 'F' idea. :)

  4. Sooo glad you had fun, Peejers. And glad you had all that talk time!

  5. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I'm so glad you got to go visit your sister! What a fun trip! Also glad you got some "talk time" with Hubby! Those are few and far between sometimes. Glad you're back though! ;-]

  6. It was FUN! I'm glad the Chicago fans offered to take our photo; it came out great. Thanks for such a wonderful time.

  7. PS Your cloud photo is fantastic!

  8. What a great post with fabulous photos! Nice that you have a sister there to visit, someone you want to have fun with.

  9. Like your feet photo. Hope you can visit together soon!
    Lovely to have fun with ones sister.

    Oh, Feet.


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