Premade Layouts

These premade layouts are ready to go. Just drop them in place and you're ready to roll. Don't know how to drop them in or are you out of time? I'll do for it you, just select the layout + installation option. I'll also put your blog/site title on the header for you, in the colors and font shown. If you want to add your own text, I'll send it to you without the text and let you add it yourself. =)

O'Fallber has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too. Comes with a post divider as a bonus feature.


Summer Stripes
Summer Stripes has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too. Comes with a post divider as a bonus feature.


Tumbled Blue
Tumbled Blue has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too. Comes with a post divider as a bonus feature.


Scriptie Scrollie Sophisticate
Scriptie Scrollie Sophisticate has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too. Comes with a post divider as a bonus feature.


Spring Plaid
Spring Plaid has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too. Comes with a post divider as a bonus feature.


Water Daisies
Water Daisies has a NavBar, 4 sidebars columns (a skinny bar to the left of the main post area, and a wide one to the right with two skinny ones underneath it) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too.


Purplie Pastelie
Purplie Pastelie has a NavBar, 4 sidebars columns (a skinny bar to the left of the main post area, and a wide one to the right with two skinny ones underneath it) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too.


May'd for Plaid
May'd for Plaid has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too.


Marbled Green
Marbled Green has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too.


Summer Clouds
Summer Clouds has a NavBar, 4 sidebars columns (a skinny bar to the left of the main post area, and a wide one to the right with two skinny ones underneath it) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too.


the work of Thy hands
"The work of Thy hands" has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too.


AquaFreeze has a NavBar, 3 sidebars columns (a wide one and two skinny ones underneath) and three columns across the bottom of the page and a full-width column, too.


Layout with or without Installation:


Thanks so much for stopping by! I love hearing from you.

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