I'm Designing! & Blog Design Giveaway

For months, I've toyed with designing blogs and websites for others. It's something that I absolutely love doing and something I've considered part of my ministry. This month it's become part of the answer to a problem and it's so cool to see God's hand in it, preparing and leading me, especially in these last six months. What a great God of detail we have!

Today I'd like you to celebrate with me as I officially open my design and teaching doors. To help celebrate, I'm giving away the winner's choice of a premade design. Leave a comment to be entered into the drawing and the winner will be posted sometime on May 1st. =]

Want some extra entries in the drawing? Each time you share this link on Twitter, Facebook or on your blog, I'll throw your name in the drawing again. (Yes, I'm on Twitter.) Email me when you do. patty at pattywysong.com.

Click here to see some sites I've designed, recommendations and pricing. Not only are there blogs there, but there's a couple of websites, too. These are hosted on Blogger, but I am working on Wordpress now too.

Do you want to learn to work on your own blog? Click the Blog Workshop tab for details. I teach a 4 week class, Clearing the Blog Fog, that's email based (yahoo group). It teaches how to set up and customize your site. If you don't need or want the whole class there's tutoring and all now I'm offering workshops in webinar format so you can see what I'm doing on my screen as I talk through it. So far I have workshops on how to make blog buttons and headers, which have learning how to work on Paint.net, a free option to Photoshop, as a great perk. ;-)

Another thing I've added is a selection of premade layouts, offered reasonably. I'll even install it for you. It's one of these I'm giving away. ;-)

Designing and teaching like this will enable me to work from work—something that has become necessary at this point. God is so good to give me something to do, something I LOVE doing and that I can work on it at home.

If there's something you're looking for but don't see, ask me!


  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    This is definitely a God thing for you!
    Praying for wisdom, direction, and
    beautiful designs!

  2. Very nice Patty! I would love a re-design on my blog! :)

  3. I love your floral against the striped background. Hope it stays! Love the purplie one also! I can only use what Wordpress.com gives me.

  4. AAWWWEESSOOOMMEE sweetie. SO excited for you.

  5. Fantastic! Praying for you!!

  6. Your website was recommended and it looks great. I hope to check out some of your links, lessons, and samples in the coming weeks. To win a blog design would be a huge blessing.

  7. I would love to have a blog makeover:) I think mine is just looking old.


  8. Mel Kerr9:44 AM

    The blog looks really good. I wouldn't know where to start tweaking buttons and changing format. I may sign up for one of your courses!

  9. Way to go, my friend! I'm rooting for you :)

  10. Stephanie Craig3:16 PM

    Love it!! I already know which one I want. I always saw people with pretty blogs and wanted one, but never knew how to get one. And I'm working on starting a new blog now.

  11. After taking a look at a few of your blog designs and then reading that you homeschool your five children I am truly amazed. My hats off to you.(Yes as you know us moms wear more than one.) I use to homeschool as well and I know how much work, love and discipline goes into it.

    For years I have needed someone to switch a light on for me so I can not only blog but do it with character and personality.
    I would love to have a design that would offer just that. I'll have to check out your classes online too as they sound so helpful.

    God bless you as you continue to bless others with your gift. Keep on keeping on Patty!

  12. I'm so glad to find your blog. I'll be looking at your online classes and tips to help jazz up my blogs. Thanks!

  13. Ah-ha! Someone else who loves the beauty of code!

    Thank you for your work with others, including Clash of the Titles.

  14. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Patty, you have been the best example of God working through someone that I have met. I am sure you could have suceeded with this on your own, but why would anyone even consider you not to have had God's blessing on this endeavor?

    As I watch when we are together, I see God's love pouring out of you in EVERYTHING you do. The day we met I felt as though you drew me into your arms and said, "Welcome, you will love this place, and you will be loved in return." Every one of your blog posts makes me feel the same way!

    You are an amazing woman! You will be the same in this new stage in your life as well. You have so much to share with outhers. Your talents are many, and many will benefit from them. I can't wait to watch this grow.

  15. I really need to update my web page. Looks nice. Hope I win. :)

  16. I can't help but to adore your site and congratulate you for the good job!


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