Pictures and Winners


This last week was wonderful! My parents were visiting, and, as always, we had a great visit with them. We spent time sitting and visiting, playing card games and speed scrabble, and shopping.

Oh. my. goodness. I forgot what it was like shopping with Mom! It was FUN!! We were hunting for a few specific things and managed to find what Mom was looking for, and I found some things, too! And the socks! My mom and younger daughter are fun sock junkies and they had a ball at the sock racks.

To keep tradition, Mom, my two daughters and I went out for..."lunch." We can call it that because we had hamburgers, but those were simply camouflage. We were there for frappes and fries. (Translation: Milkshakes and french fries.) It took us THREE restaurants, but we finally found what we wanted. :^) We didn't like the price at the first stop, the shake machine was out at the second and the third stop was a winner. We had fun making memories and eating our frappes and fries. :^)

Mom is a quilter and her quilts are treasured by her family. We call them Grammy Quilts and here she is after giving my youngest his first big-boy quilt. His baby quilts are still on his bed, too...unless they're on the couch. :^)

We also spent time watching the turtles and honey bees. ROFL Now isn't that something that most families do together?

The turtles came home with us from the second fair we did--courtesy of the animal show that was at both fairs with us. They're funny little creatures that have entertained us for hours now. True, but sad. We're easily amused. It's incredible seeing God's creatures up close like this. Only God could make them so perfectly! Wow! :^)

This scary picture is me.
Let it be known that I'm posting this under duress so some of my friends don't slide yucky things to me through the floppies. LoL

This is the first tye dye shirt I've ever owned in my life and I made it at the first fair, at the coolest tye dye tent ever! I have a devotional for you...sometime soon, but I also have a story idea from it--so this is a monumental shirt for me that's packed full of memories, ideas, and meaning. I chose to make it with my colors: pink, purple and green. Why? Because of Patterings and how it's evolved into so much more than I ever would have dreamed.

Now, on to the rest of this post! LoL

We have three winners today!

The winner of Nikki Arana's Through the Eyes of Christ is ~Tami.

The winner of Debbie Fuller Thomas' Raising Rain is Sunny!

And the last winner for today is Abby. You've won a copy of Amber Stockton's Hearts and Harvest.

Thanks so much for participating in the Book Bonanza! We'll go back to our normal schedule of author spotlights and interviews on Tuesday & Wednesday, with an occasional extra thrown in because I can't resist. :^)

So there you have it: Pictures and winners!
Love you guys!


  1. What SUPER pictures!So glad you had a wonderful time. And congrats to the winners (LOVE the shirt too, by the way! LOVE IT!)

  2. Love the shirt!! So happy for the winners! I had a great time reading the posts!

  3. Family time is great, isn't it?!? Thanks for the book I can't wait to receive it.

  4. I love the picture of you in your new shirt! Alex is getting so tall...miss you all. :-)

  5. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I miss you too, Aunt Cheryl! Mom's shirt is so cool... she has 2 tye dye shirts and so does Abby. The pictures are awesome Mom, love you!

  6. Hi Patty - nifty shirt :)

    As a fellow Speed Scrabbler, you may like to try out the online version of Speed Scrabble.

    It's pretty fun.


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