Last year I started something and I liked it so much that I'm doing it again this year.

My birthday is in November and to celebrate, I'm taking these 40 days before it and spending extra time in God's Word. Last year that was part of my intention, along with reading some of my special, favorite nonfiction books and revisiting my past with some missions posts (which are archived in the
Missions tab above). This year I'm not doing any
special posting here on Patterings—as much as I enjoyed it, I found it too distracting and I don't want to be any more distracted than I am on a normal basis. :^)
Throughout the Bible we see that 40 is a significant number. A quick walk through the Bible shows us:

Noah—40 days and 40 nights of rain.

Moses—his whole life went by 40 year increments--starting with being 40 when he fled from Pharaoh and started a new life, 40 years on the backside of the desert, and 40 years leading Israel, then also 40 days on Mount Sinai.

Israel—ate manna for 40 years while wandering in the desert.

Spies that Moses sent out—in Canaan for 40 days.

Elijah—in the wilderness for 40 days.

Jonah—warned Nineveh they had 40 days to repent.

Jesus—fasted and was tempted for 40 days in the wilderness, appeared for 40 days after His resurrection.
During this 40 day celebration my goal is to finish this year's
cover-to-cover read through of the Bible, to immerse myself as much as possible in God's Word in preparation for this upcoming year of my life.
So tell me, how's your Bible reading coming?
I know many people lose momentum through the summer months, if that happened to you, have you gotten back into the routine of Bible reading? Are you doing a cover-to-cover read through? Where are you in your Bible reading?

Don't forget to check out and leave a comment
Amber Stockton's and
Christina Berry's book giveaways. Also, I'm extending
Nikki Arana's and
Debbie Fuller Thomas' book giveaways until tomorrow, Sunday, October 4th in celebration of the Book Bonanza finale. :-) I don't want you to miss them! :-)
Interesting challenge. It's also unselfish! Instead of spending forty days telling about yourself or just making it all about you, you have decided to focus on God!
ReplyDeleteI love it!
Hi Patty, very interesting about your 40 days and the significance from the Word.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading cover to cover since some time early in the year. I am still at Deuteronomy, not because I have gone off track, but because it is so rich that I take a lot of notes as I find the understanding of my heart opening in a refreshing way.
Looking forward to hearing more about your time.
Sounds like a WONDERFUL plan, my dear Peejers. Maybe next year I'll remember to do something like this ROFL. I've been VERY good at keeping up with my "Bible In A Year" reading. I'm actually reading through the Old and New Testaments chronologically, at the same time. I'm at the tail end of Romans in my NT, and am almost through with Isaiah in the OT (JUST read my favorite chapter yesterday!). LOVE reading it!
ReplyDeleteNow did you have to ask about our Bible reading?! Just kidding!
ReplyDeleteI have studied the Bible all my life, even went to Bible college, but I've never read it straight through from cover to cover. But I just put a one-year Bible on my Kindle and plan on starting this weekend. A head start should help during those times when I slow down due to busyness, etc. Thanks for the question, Patty.
I'll be praying that your special 40 days will be a protected time and that every desire you have for this time will be fulfilled. You are such an inspiration and magnificent teacher. Hugs and blessings. Nancy