I've been looking forward to this all month! Today is the February Wrap Up for the Kettle Club that Kristen at Exemplify Online's Blog initiated a month ago. The Kettle Club is a group of bloggers that have committed to reading their Bible before jumping into blogland. Kristen, our fearless leader, has posted some discussion questions that you can read here, but I'm just going to jump in...
I'm doing a cover-to-cover read through of the Bible again this year, and I'm reading chronologically. Currently I'm in Deuteronomy, so my mind is full of Israel's wanderings. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through the Pentateuch, and Joanne's Ponderings at Exemplify's blog have made it even better! (Thank you, JoDear!)
One of the reasons I love reading the Bible chronologically is because it puts everything into perspective for me, and helps me see and understand better. Reading cover-to-cover is definitely something I'd recommend to people—especially reading through chronologically.
I used to do my Bible reading at night, sitting in bed, when all was quiet and peaceful. I love reading my Bible then, but I've changed my ways. I now read during the day, often mid-morning, once the kids are settled into their school day. It means that I have many more distractions and interruptions, which I don't like, but (and this is a big but!!) but my kids now see me consistently reading and studying God's Word—with pen in hand and across the room from my computer. My email could be pinging in like crazy (LoL—and often is!) but I keep my tail in my chair and do my Bible reading. It has been worth every single interruption and distraction! You wanna know why? Because now my kids are following my silent example! That makes it worth it!!
There have been times I've almost drawn blood from biting my tongue, and there have been times I've shamed myself with my responses to the kids over the interruptions—but they've been learning times for me, and I'm getting better. I see the kids pulling out their Bibles, and that's why I'm reading while they're up. If I blow it with consistently poor responses, the kids will be driven away from God's Word, and that consequence is just too high. It makes me really stop and think (and pray!), which is good.
Doing my Bible reading before my computer time/work starts helps me keep cyber-things (and daily life things!) in balance—much better than doing it at bedtime did! It also helps me not feel so overwhelmed when weeks like this one comes along. ::eye roll::
Bible memory is something I'm trying to get back into. I keep forgetting to get over to the LPM blog (Beth Moore), but I love what's going on over there. For March I want to memorize 2-4 verses. Very doable for me—if I remember (which is pathetic, but true). Hopefully by posting that here again, I'll do better.
Some nuggets from this past month:
How God called Bezalel by name, filled him with the Spirit in wisdom so he could fulfill what it was God called him to do. (Exodus 31:2-3, 35:30-35)
From Korah's Rebellion (Numbers 16) I learned about Shrouded Responsibilities, and it's really changed my view on doing things I don't understand—which is something that I've really struggled with.
There's more, but I'm hoping to blog about them soon—but probably not this week!
This month I'm taking an online class, and it's going to take more than I anticipated. That's okay, but I really want to learn as much as possible from the class. It's going to take even more juggling and balancing—and that's a prayer request. I feel God has called me to write, which means learning and preparing as much as I can. I know that He will enable me, as He did Bezalel, but I also have to be responsible and study and practice.
Don't forget to join us at Exemplify Online's Blog for links to other Kettle Club members! They're a terrific group of ladies!

I'm reading cover to cover thru the Bible too Patty :) I started back in Jan. 2008, and I'm in Proverbs. It's taking me more than a year but it really is so good to just read it through chronologically!
ReplyDeletehave a blessed day!
I like it when you said, "Because now my kids are following my silent example! That makes it worth it!!"
ReplyDeleteBecause my 14 year old asked me, "Why do you get up so early Mom?" And I had the opportunity to share with him that I don't want him leaving this house unless he is covered in prayer and that it is my time with the Lord. It blessed me that he is noticing my actions.
Enjoyed reading this, curious as to what class you are taking (sorry nosy like that, ha!). Have a great day.
So glad I'm helping you through the pentateuch (hehe). It is SO true that the kids watching you is a huge lesson for them. And, as you know, I'm a firm believer in reading through. So good to read this one - get me motivated to get mine up there in the next hour or so!
ReplyDeleteLoved your testimony of setting an example for your kids. This really spoke to me. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Bible is the chronological. I did a cover to cover last year and loved it (although, I must confess, I did skim through some...many...chapters). After spending many hours following devotionals this past 2 months God has called me back to this style of reading. So I just started back in Genesis again. I absolute love it!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Bible is the chronological. I did a cover to cover last year and loved it (although, I must confess, I did skim through some...many...chapters). After spending many hours following devotionals this past 2 months God has called me back to this style of reading. So I just started back in Genesis again. I absolute love it!
ReplyDeleteI love using a Chronological Bible too. I did that a few years ago - something I should definitely do again.
ReplyDeleteI love what you said about your children seeing you in the Word. What an awesome testimony that is to handing down our love for Him.