Choosing 2014

I have to admit, it doesn’t bother me at all that 2013 has finally come to an end. It’s actually a bit of a relief. In my forty-some years (I don't mind you knowing how old I am, but I don’t feel like doing the math to figure it out!), 2013 has been my hardest year in almost every area of my life.

Yes, I’m glad 2013 is done and gone.
But I’ve not been ready for 2014 either. I mean, I’m a little older and a little wiser now and look at all the potential for hard work and heartbreak it holds! This is the first time I’m not excited about the new year. And I don’t like it. Not one little bit. Normally, I’m excited and dying to get going, but not this year.

I spent the better part of two or three days trying to figure out why. It’s just not like me. Thankfully, I discovered what’s going on.

And I’m not usually a worrier. At least not when it comes to this stuff. I love looking forward. I love dreaming. I love planning. I love seeing the potential.

But this time I was focused on the wrong stuff. I was tuned in to all that could go wrong.

I know better.

Focusing on the wrong thing will land you (ME!) in the wrong place. And it did.

I’m in the wrong place. Proof that my focus has been all wrong.

Usually by now I’ve looked back at the previous year, sorted and sifted through things, and have looked forward and set some goals for the upcoming year. I haven’t this year and it’s time to get my butt in gear.

It’s time to make a choice. Stay in this mud hole I’ve gotten comfy in, or drag myself out of it and move forward.

I choose to move forward.
I choose to turn my focus away from the stinking black hole I’ve been staring at.
I choose to focus on God.
I choose to obey and take the steps God has for me.
I choose to leave the outcome to God—regardless of how difficult that outcome may be.

This year will be another year of change for us. Last year brought huge, unexpected changes. Some of the changes are cool and are a natural extension of things already going on. Other changes, though, I still wrestle with at times. But throughout the changes to come, I’m resolved to choose to keep my focus on God, trusting Him to work all things together for good.

This I know, God is faithful. He will keep His promises. He will never, ever leave me.
The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I have hope in Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. Lamentaions 3:22-25

God’s compassion is new every morning, and every year.
Let’s choose to move forward in 2014, trusting the outcome to God, knowing He is faithful.


  1. Amen! Moving forward WITH you, and trusting Him with whatever that means. Praying too :)

    1. Thanks, JoDear. It's so nice to have friends along on the journey with me. They mean so much to me. =] Thank you.


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