Winter Wanderings

A to Z blog hop at Patterings
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This week is the letter W.

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I'm not a fan of winter but even I have to admit there's a beauty to winter that just can't be found in any other season.

It's the time of year when I do a lot of mental wandering. I think about the past year, what I did and what I didn't do.

It's a pensive week for me, a time I'm finding I look forward to more and more. Maybe it comes with age and the little bits of wisdom I glean with the passing of time.

It's a time of looking forward too. A time to think about what I want to change and do, what I want to become. A time for dreaming and planning, knowing that plans change faster than corn grows.

But that's okay.

Plans are stepping stones that get me to the next turn, the next thing.

My job in the midst of all the change is to stay flexible and obedient. And there's the crux of it all for me. Obedience. Listening for and to my Savior's voice. Being available and willing.

How does that look for this coming year? Where will that path take me? Time will tell as I take each step as it comes, trusting my Father and holding tight to His hand.

What about you? What do you do with this week between Christmas and New Year's?

If you're joining us for the A to Z meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter W, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here. Also, if you don't have the linky gadget on your site, click the link to get the code so you can add it.


  1. Lovely thoughts. It is a time to regroup and plan for the new year, which is a clean slate. It's like we have the opportunity to start over. If this year was bad, then the new year has the potential to be better. What we did not achieve this year, will be completed in the fresh new months ahead of us. Even though I don't live in an area with intense seasonal changes, the month of December is still a time for closure and preparation for renewal. Hope you have a better year, Patty!

    1. Yes. A clean slate and another opportunity. I like that. And a time of closure. You put it so well, Barb. Thank you. It has been a tough year--probably my toughest one yet, but God is ever-faithful and His mercies are new EVERY morning. His grace... where would we be without His grace??

  2. Trying (Emphasis on that word) to slow down and ponder past, present, AND future. And not plan TOO much. Cuz that's my autopilot, and I want to be less rigid in 2014. Lovely post :-)

    1. Great goal for you, JoDear!! hehe. I'll help. ;-)

  3. It has been a difficult year. Your beautiful post and pictures show the renewal we enjoy under the watchful care of our Heavenly Father. He makes all things new :) Beautiful reminder!

    1. He DOES make all things new. I'm so thankful, Nancy!! Praying you onward.

  4. I also use this in-between time to re-evaluate and get organized. I am usually alone as my family takes off for a trip to see extended family. It's a treat for me and my only time of the year to re-charge! I love it. I pray, read, write, and try to get a little more ready for the new year. Love this week!

    1. So cool that you usuallly have this week to yourself!! A huge treat! =] Enjoy it and put it to good use. =] It's one of my favorite weeks of the year.


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