Life in the Lull

A to Z blog hop at Patterings
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This week is the letter L.

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First, never, and I do mean NEVER, plan to post about life in a lull season.

Why? Because Life will hear and go bonkers on you.


Very rarely do I get to stay in a routine--it just doesn't happen for me due to the nature of our lives. And that's okay--it makes me appreciate it that much more when I do.

Lately I've been tiptoeing through this lull in my life, knowing it was just a temporary thing. I've soaked in the moments of quiet and even solitude--not even visiting Facebook or my blog here.

It's been a time of recharging and enjoying.

I've gotten things done in my home, dug into my Bible study, had fun with my fiction writing, and taken great strides with Toby.

It's been wonderful. I love living a quiet life.

But I suspect my lull has come to an end. It's been good, though.

So tell me, what have YOU been doing lately?

If you're joining us for the A to Z meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter L, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here. Also, if you don't have the linky gadget on your site, click the link to get the code so you can add it.


  1. Hi Patty! I'm (kinda) in a lull too. Finally finished my first novel (proposals went out this week. Yeah!) and am taking a short break before I start my next one. My first granddaughter will be born at the end of this month. Can't wait! Come November though, the lull is over. And I'm okay with that!

    1. HOORAY for finishing that novel and getting the proposals out for it!! And a granddaughter? That's fantastic. =] ENJOY!!! =]

  2. Your lull looks lovely and peaceful and rejuvenating. Enjoy every bit of it!

    1. It was!! My own personal island in time. But it was discovered and is now...well, back to well populated. LoL.

      *whispering* I'm hoping to sneak away again soon!! =]

  3. I love the lulls because I'm a routine creature. Too much go go go throws me off, and right now I'm really enjoying the quietness because after next week I'll have a newborn in the house and I suspect life won't be such a lull.

    1. That's how I can be too, J'nell. The go go go throwing me off, not the newborn...I'm so beyond the newborn stage...unless it's grandbabies and then I'll be there in April!! WOOT!!

      You're right. Enjoy this time now cuz life won't ever be the same again. =]

      It gets better.
      In case you were wondering. ;-)

  4. You know what I've been doing :). Maybe better than I do LOL. I love lulls. Might have one coming up. Maybe. :)

    1. LoL, JoDear.
      I hope you have a lull coming up!! They're wonderful whenever they come!! =]

  5. Beautiful pictures! The monkey looks as if he loves you so much. I finished a novel last week and am feeling euphoric not having any "homework" to do. This week, I did write an 800-word article for a magazine and sent that off for submission. Going to an all-day ACFW workshop tomorrow, about two hours ride from my house. That's what I'm doing in my lull time.

    1. Thank you, Susan. It was fun taking these shots! =]

      A HUGE HOORAY for finishing a novel last week!! Way to go! =] Glad you're in a little lull right now too. Enjoy it! And enjoy that workshop tomorrow!!

    2. ...and yes, Toby and I are very close. He's my baby and almost as good as a lap dog.


  6. I LOVE lulls, especially the chance to recharge and relax. Looks like you had a wonderful time. What a sweet buddy!

    1. He is a sweet buddy, Dora. I'm so thankful for that lull. =]

  7. Anonymous6:05 PM

    In my "lull" we went to Maggie fact I'M HERE RIGHT NOW! LoL! It involves sitting by the creek, riding the motorcycle in the mountains, and doing NOTHING for a little while. Love your post, Patty. And btw...I LOVE your pics...especially the one with you& Toby!

    1. Hooray!! So glad you got to go, Shelley!! Hope you're recharged and ready to go again. =]

  8. I'm ready for a lull! Any time, now! :) It's been a busy season of ministry. I think of the apostles who wanted a lull. "Send them away, Jesus." Instead, they got to watch one of His most far-reaching miracles.

    I want to know what projects you have planned for that basket of yarn. Are you into knitting, crocheting or some other kind of yarn craft?

    1. Oh Karen, what a reminder!! So often I'm with the apostles saying "Send them away!!!" because I like my quiet cave. Not a good thing there. But God is gracious and I'm so thankful.

      That basket of yarn was at a French & Indian War reenactment. It's not mine--I just fell in love with the colors and textures so I snapped a picture of it. I tend to admire yarn now, not work with it these days. ;-)

  9. I would treasure a lull right now! It's so great that you embraced it as you did. There's nothing like enjoying down time especially if you're determined to enjoy it. Good for you!

    1. Oh Karla, I've been praying for a lull for you. And praying you on in the meanwhile.

  10. Kind of like praying for patience? Lulls are a good time to get caught up. I get them at work, but I think of them as the calm before the storm. Love the pic of you and Toby- it really tells a story of love and exhaustion.

    1. YES!! Like praying for patience. And I tend to think of them as the calm before the storm, and start bracing myself even while I soak up the quiet.

      Toby and I often sit like this, and you're right--it is often after a training time and we're both exhausted. LoL. He's a loving little monkey. =]


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