Until It's Done

I've been mulling over a verse for next year, and, to be honest, I haven't settled on one yet. But this verse keeps coming to mind--one I memorized a while ago that I often return to.

It's a great verse to be meditating on as we move into 2012.

Then David said to his son Solomon,
"Be strong and courageous, and act;
do not fear nor be dismayed,
for the Lord God, my God, is with you.
He will not fail you nor forsake you
until all the work of the Lord is finished."
1 Chronicles 28:20 NAS

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing 1 Chronicles 28:20 this week at Living by Grace?

*Photo by courtesy of sxc.hu


  1. That is a great verse and I love your graphic!

  2. Such a powerful verse.

  3. Just a fabulous verse. LOVE it.

  4. I love the verse and I'm giggling b/c I just read Joanne's blog and her verse and both of you guys have the one word God gave me for this year. Strength. Strong.

    Love it! Is that "Patterings..."new? I love that. Clever. If it isn't new, I get the most unobservant award!

  5. A powerful verse to memorize! Hugs!

  6. Thanks for the encouraging words. Visiting from WFW!

  7. This is a wonderful verse for the new year. It's so good to memorize Scripture. I think this is my first time visiting your blog but I hope to return.

    Blessings and love,

  8. Your graphics & work on the verse is beautiful! Nice done.

  9. Thanks so much, ladies! I had fun working on this one. =]

    Jess, you're very observant!! Patterings is both old and new. It's the original name of my blog that I took off the header over a year ago. But everyone still calls this place Patterings (and so do I LoL) so I simply added it back on. =] Having it back up there is kinda like slipping on a favorite pair of sneakers.

    Hugs all around!


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