Hope for the Brokenhearted

Each week at Living by Grace, a devotional discussion Facebook group, we post a memory verse and this week's is Psalm 34:18.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

Be sure to check the Cafe for more links to WFW

Won't you join me memorizing Psalm 34:18 this week at Living by Grace?

*Photo by torli, courtesy of sxc.hu


  1. I love having this verse hidden in my heart. I seem to need it so often! :) Or I can use it to encourage others.

    Have a great Wednesday, Patty!

  2. Wonderful verse. Beautiful illustration of the verse!

  3. Amen...He truly is. I'm so grateful.

    Hope you're having a blessed day♥

  4. One of my favorite encouraging Bible verses. Perfect for Word-Filled Wednesday. Thank you.

  5. A beautiful verse I have held close to me the past couple of months! Thank you for this today.

  6. Just GORGEOUS, Patty - verse AND pic.


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