Tell us about your epiphany moment when you decided you were going to seriously pursue writing and eventually publication.
When my husband challenged me to stop talking about writing a book and simply do it. He suggested I quit my job, and if I could get anything published in a year, I wouldn’t have to return to the work force. That was in 1996, and I now have 49 books.
What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?
My most difficult writing obstacle is myself! I personally challenge myself for each new book to be better written than the previous one. When I’m laden with concern about the quality of my story and the depth of characters, I have to take those worries to God - where they belong.
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
LOL That would be a toss between traveling to Southern Sudan to enhance a novel set there or riding the line with the Border Patrol in McAllen, Texas for novel research.
What is your strangest habit?
A tendency toward dare devil, which is so weird. I’m scared to death of dogs, and yet a challenge with life intrigues me.
Are there things you put off doing because you dread them?
Yes! Like unloading the dishwasher. So boring. Ironing. I despise it.
What would a perfect day for you look like?
Write all day long without having to answer and respond to e-mail. No phone. No laundry. No cooking. Nothing but total absorption into characters and plot.

LOL Suspense in historical and contemporary novels, both ABA and CBA. I don’t read fantasy or Sci-Fi, but I enjoy a good adventure.
Are there certain foods or snacks keeps the words flowing for you?
Nope. I’m too concerned about gaining weight. Sorry. I know that goes against the chocolate, salty tastes of many writers.
BUT I am a coffee snob. Yum.
Are there spiritual themes you like to write about?
Forgiveness - the entire scope of forgiving oneself, forgiving others, asking God for forgiveness, and accepting God’s forgiveness.
What lesson is the Lord teaching you right now or recently taught you?
Wait on Him. Let Him lead the way. It’s not about book sales or advances, but touching a reader’s life with Truth.
When is your next book due out and can you tell us about it?
A Woman Called Sage. I could do a cut and paste from Amazon, but I’d rather you hear my passion for this historical. I loved the uniqueness of Sage Morrow, bounty hunter. She and her husband were gunned down by outlaws when she was 8 ½ months pregnant. She survived with bitterness and revenge gripping her heart and soul, but she had a passion for women who’d lost loved ones due to violence. I wanted her story to reflect her pain and ultimate healing in a way that was realistic and satisfying. I don’t like the easy way out for my characters. That’s not life. John Gardner said “Create the best possible characters and allow the worst possible things to happen to them.” Our personal lives are filled with lessons to be learned and healing and growth to take place. That’s where I want to take my characters and my readers. Zondervan Publishers
DiAnn is giving away a copy of Sworn to Protect. To be entered in the book giveaway, leave a comment and check back on Tuesday, March 9th to see if you've won. You can enter twice--once on each post in this spotlight. If you want to guarantee that you're notified if you win, then leave your email address in the comment, otherwise, you can just check back and email me through the button in my sidebar.
**Annoying little disclaimer: This giveaway is open only to U.S. addresses. By clicking on the Amazon link above or in the sidebar, and purchasing, I will receive a very small percentage of the sale.

"Forgiveness - the entire scope of forgiving oneself, forgiving others, asking God for forgiveness, and accepting God’s forgiveness. It’s not about book sales or advances, but touching a reader’s life with Truth."
ReplyDeleteThe above reasons are why I choose to read Christian writings. You DON'T get that in secular reading. You are left empty after them them. I would love to win your book. Please enter me. Thanks.
desertrose5183 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the author interview. I'd like to read this book. Thanks.
i enjoyed this posting very much :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I love how each of DiAnn's characters in this series are so different. I'm looking forward to A Woman Called Sage. Great interview!
Hi Patty -
ReplyDeleteI popped over here from Facebook. Great blog and interview. I've signed up as a Follower.
Please enter me in the contest.
susanjreinhardt (at) gmail (dot) com
Susan :)
Great Interview. :)
ReplyDeleteI like her persective on both writing and life.
please enter me
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The interview was good. Could you enter me in the drawing please?