Conquering Fear

Fear is something that I've dealt with my whole life and something God has really been working on in my life. It's been a constant chiseling that's both scary and exciting. Today I'm posting at Exemplify about conquering fear and I'd love for you to join me there! How Can We Conquer Fear?

Tomorrow (Friday) at Adding Zest you'll see a way that I'm stepping out away from fear and following God...but I'll give you a hint. =) It has to do with A Woman Inspired's "one" marriage online conference. Be sure to check Adding Zest on Friday to get in on a fun giveaway.

Don't forget to get in on this week's book giveaway! It's a really good historical!


  1. My level of excitement over this knows NO bounds!!!! Woo-hoo!!

  2. miks@shentel.net9:34 PM

    I'm on the edge of my seat--really!

  3. I stumbled upon your blog -- love the title and subtitle!

    It's beautiful, which is why I want to give you this:


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