Tell us about your epiphany moment when you decided you were going to seriously pursue writing and eventually publication.
One day I awoke from a dream with the idea to write an allegory based on the book of Esther. I wrote it and then proceeded to write another, on Gideon. I tried to get them published, and it proved to be an interesting experience, especially receiving my first form rejection letters. I then wrote contemporary romance and it was my second novel in that genre that eventually found publication through Heartsong Presents, a division of Barbour Publishing, back in 1997.

Which of your books (published or upcoming) has been the most fun for you to write and which character is your favorite?
Actually I love all my books. :-) They each take on their unique set of characteristics. But I’ll have to say the book that was probably the most ”fun” to write was a novella in the collection, “Puppy Love” (which you can still pick up at CBD). The story, “Ark of Love” is about a pet store owner having difficulties in his life but told in a lighthearted style.
Which character in your new release most interested you while you wrote?
I like the hero, Tom Haskins. He brings to life the beauty of the White Mountains in his paintings (and since I love photographs, paintings of this area from the 19th century do capture my eye) but also, he is not a typical hero with everything together in his life. He struggles with God’s will but ultimately discovers what he must do.
What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
Most would say that taking six months out of the comforts of life to hike and live in the woods would be rather quirky. Which is what I did – hiking the whole Appalachian Trail, from Georgia to Maine, back in 2007.
That's when I first 'met' you, Lauralee, over at Pix n Pens. I was totally wowed that you hiked the Appalachian Trail--and still am! I've been on parts of that trail up in New England. Wow indeed!
Are there things you put off doing because you dread them?
Yes. Writing a chapter by chapter synopsis, especially if the book is not complete, can be extremely challenging. But it makes for a good book later on when you sit down to write it. So I must take a deep breath and just…do it!
What would a perfect day for you look like?
Accomplishing my goals for the day makes for a good day – my writing goals, getting a nice run in, and cooking a dinner that hubby “hums” about.
Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I am enjoying all types of Christian fiction these days. From contemporary to historical to suspense, my pile is growing as I delve into new and interesting authors. And I learn a great deal as a writer when I see what other books are being published. You can see the books I have enjoyed on “Goodreads” along with some of my reviews. I have a link to it on my website www.lauraleebliss.com
Are there certain foods or snacks keeps the words flowing for you?
A good cup of hazelnut coffee, black of course, usually does the trick.
Are there spiritual themes you like to write about?
Each book is different in regards to a theme. I like to write an entertaining book that ministers to the heart. In each of my books I write a spiritual lesson that Christian readers can take away – from forgiveness, to being a servant, to finding hope and purpose in time of greatest need.
What lesson is the Lord teaching you right now or recently taught you?
To trust Him in all things, big and small, even when we don’t understand.
Oh, that's a biggie. One that I learn and relearn over and over again.
When is your next book due out and can you tell us about it?
I have a three book contemporary romance series set in the beautiful state of Utah coming in 2010 by Heartsong Presents, Barbour Publishing. The first book, “Love’s Winding Path” is based on the biblical story of the Prodigal Son and takes place in Moab, Utah, including rafting on the Colorado River. Sign up for my newsletter via my web site to find out the release date. You won't want to miss this, especially if you have known a prodigal in your life.
Thanks so much for being with us, Lauralee!
You can purchase Love Finds You in Bethlehem, New Hampshire from CBD and Amazon:
Lauralee is giving away a copy of Love Finds You in Bethlehem, New Hampshire. To be entered in the book giveaway, leave a comment and check back on Sunday, November 15th to see if you've won. You can enter twice--once on each post in this spotlight. If you want to guarantee that you're notified if you win, then leave your email address in the comment, otherwise, you can just check back and email me through the button in my sidebar.
**Annoying little disclaimer: This giveaway is void where prohibited; open only to U.S. addresses, odds of winning depend on number of entrants. No purchase necessary. By clicking on the Amazon link above or in the sidebar and purchasing I will receive a small percentage of the sale.
Tomorrow is a special day! =) Hope to see yo then!

Great Interview! Look forward to reading more books by Lauralee Bliss! :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to win Larualee's book. Include me please. Thanks!
a wonderful post...please include me in this fabulous book giveaway. thanks.
ReplyDeletekaren k
As a Georgia girl who is addicted to the New England area, not to mention a good romance, I've got to read this book! I also enjoyed the interview and want to find the Puppy Love collection. Thank you for the giveaway.
ReplyDeletecjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I grew up in NH and later my husband's family had a place in Gorham, NH. Would love to read your book. JoAnn