What'cha Reading?

Amy Bayliss is doing this and I loved it, so I thought I'd play along...

It's said that you can tell alot about a person by the books on their bookshelf and what they're reading. Here's the books I'm reading at the moment...

So, what does this tell you about me?

Want to play along? Leave me a link in the comments and one at Amy's, too.
We'd love to know what you're reading!! =)

Don't forget this week's book giveaway with Darlene Franklin!!


  1. you GOT it! :D :D

    It means you're a PREGNANT WOMAN (hehe - I know why you REALLY have the name book!) who wants to write.

  2. YES!! I got it!! THANK YOU!!! =] =]

    And the name book is NOT because I'm prego!! (silly lego!!) LoL The name book goes with the fiction writing books. You're right. I'm so excited about my new project!! =]

    So what are you reading?

  3. Thank you! What an encouragement you were, Anonymous! I'm so glad you stopped by and hope to see you again soon! =]

  4. HeHe!

    I'd say you are really into your hubby and he is one happy camper. I know you aren't pregnant so I have to think the books on writing are a clue. Fiction novel possibilities?



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