Today I'm at Exemplify posting about Rocky Times and glorifying God--a topic that I've been mulling over for a month now.
After I wrote this devotional, Pastor Mike preached on how we can glorify God. I think you'll be hearing bits and pieces of his message in the near future--it was that good. :)
And this picture? Our youth pastor, Toby Robinson, took it on Ocean Grove Beach, NJ while they were there with World Changers this year. God has blessed my family tremendously with the our awesome church and I'm so thankful! It's the best church I've ever attended--and I've been in one church or another for over 35 years. :) God is so good!

I'd love to have you join me at At the Well and Exemplify. It's one of my favorite online places to hang out. The women there have a tremendous heart for God and a passion to be used by Him, for His glory.

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