Running in Circles's something we all do. Especially me.
Mouse running in circles Pictures, Images and Photos

This last week I ran in circles. Circles that I didn't have time for. Circles that made me dizzy and my knees knock. I spent the week thinking and praying. In that order. Big mistake.

This morning when I sat down for my Bible reading I turned to the next reference on my list (I'm reading through chronologically) while asking God to direct me. My mind was full of seeking God's will, and here's what I read:
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and let your heart take courage;
yes, wait for the Lord. ~Psalm 27:14

Did I mention that the circles I was running in terrifies me? When I read Psalm 27:14 I was struck all over again by it (this is a favorite verse of mine).
Take courage.

I'm not a patient person. I tend to leap before I look and then scream all the way down. I do NOT want to do that this time. So, once again, I followed my trail of verses on this topic. (Isn't God good!! He knew I needed to be directed to that verse and that wait/take courage topic today.)

I still don't know if I should leap, but that's not the issue any longer and I have peace. All the Psalms I read this morning were from the time when David was fleeing Saul. David knew he was God's chosen and anointed king, but he didn't rush and snatch the throne. He waited for God's timing and God taught him great things during those years. That's what I want. God's timing for doing God's work—whatever that work is.

As I continued to follow my trail I was directed to Psalm 25:3, but I ended up on verses 4-5. “Make me know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day.”

I'm claiming those verses especially as I wait and seek (and take courage). But not just those. As I continued on with my reading schedule I was directed to Psalm 31. I tell ya, God is so good!

For You are my rock and my fortress; for Your name's sake You will lead me and guide me. ~Psalm 31:3

God WILL lead me. I have His word on that. I don't need to worry about it. I don't need to run in circles. For His name's sake He will lead me.
Thank You, Father God!


  1. I was just chatting with some friends tonight about how the Lord always says exactly what we need to hear right when we need to hear it! I had the same type of thing happen this weekend and well, amen, sister! God is good!

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Peej. I've been in a waiting mode for a long time. Now it's time for:


    I hope, hope, hope:) Thank you for these verses. They are perfect.

  3. Just WONDERFUL, dear Patty. Waiting is HARD - but with Him in charge...aaahhh.

  4. I guess that is why the old saying is, "He is an on time God." His timing is never the same as mine, but His timing is best. It is hard to wait.

    Great reminder!


  5. Yeah, running in circles tend to make one dizzy. Just hang onto your as you wait for the Lord's direction. LOL

  6. I've been running in circles, too! Thanks for the inspiring verses and the smile from viewing the cute little character on his endless wheel. ( :

  7. I just loved your little mouse on the wheel. Reminded me of this OLD Duran Duran song lyric... "I'm on a ride and I want to get off, but they won't slow down the round-a-bout." That line pops in my head periodically when I'm doing the circle jog!

  8. This is a great post, Patty, and I enjoyed the mouse running on the wheel too! I sure feel like I'm running in circles sometimes, and it's a blessing to know that God will lead us if we will just follow!

  9. I really needed this one today, too! It's a scary thought sometimes that what God is doing is going to take years - for a "right now" person like me. But I'm learning to rest, knowing He is leading and so today I can wait on Him and His timing.


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