More Than Abundant

Join us at Exemplified for more of Monday Manna, a monthly meme mulling over a Scripture. You're sure to be blessed!

I don't know about you, but I love sitting down to a table so full of food that I don't have to worry about there being enough to go around. I like knowing that there's enough for everyone to tank up on and still have leftovers. Now, in my house, that means a lot of food! An abundant amount. And on those special days when I'm putting out the full spread (Thanksgiving, Christmas) I cook enough to feed us for several meals. I go for the 'more than abundant' quantity.

Our God, the One True God, is a more than abundant God, too.

And the grace of our Lord was more than abundant, with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus.
~ 1 Timothy 1:14

WoWzers! What a verse! This is one that I can hear Pastor Mike reading and saying, 'Somebody oughta stand up and shout!' because that's exactly what I felt like doing when I reread it. God's grace was more than abundant! How cool is that?!

The grace of God isn't just enough to scrape and squeeze us through Heaven's gates, it's more than abundant. He didn't save us just a little, He overwhelming saved us by His abundant grace. And how much faith and love are found in Christ Jesus? All faith and all love. This is one of those verses that, after I stand up and shout, I fall on my face in praise and awe of our great Redeemer.

How great,
How great is our God!


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    We can't even fathom the abundance He places before us! You are right we ought to stand and shout some praise!

  2. " Call unto Me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not"

    "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies"

    "But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory."


  3. Unfathomable, for sure! Wonderful, beautiful, worshipful post.

  4. When I was writing my Monday Manna post, I felt the same way! I had to post a song with it because praise just felt like flowing!

    I love this.

    And I have a feeling I'd love your holiday meals. : )

  5. Thanks for your comment at The Cafe. ~Carol

  6. Absolutely true and encouraging. More than abundant indeed! Great stuff, Peejers


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