Announcing Patterings for Kids

A couple months ago I discovered that I love writing devotional thoughts and Bible studies for kids—grade school kids. I'm one of the Wednesday night kid's teachers at our (very wonderful) church, and over the past year I've felt the growing 'need' to write some of these lessons down in a fun way for the kids. Patterings for Kids is a collection of those lessons and devotional thoughts. The feedback I've received from ones I've posted at Faithwriters is that it's not just the kids that enjoy them, even though the wording and style is definitely geared toward kids—which thoroughly surprised me.

At Patterings for Kids you'll find lessons and nuggets as well as links to kid's sites such as Whit's End and Christianity Today for Kids and also links to games (like Veggie Tale games!) that come highly recommended by my own five kids. There's also a Silly Songs with Larry video clip that I will change a few times a month.

If you write for kids, I'm very open and eager to post guest bloggers/articles, simply submit it to me through the 'email me' button on the site. Also, if anyone is interested, there is a button that is available, just email me and request the button code.

So, if you have kids, or if you have a fun, silly side, visit Patterings for Kids.

And now, back to our regular programming...


  1. Wonderful project, Patty - and the site looks great! May be contacting you about guest blogging, etc. there at some point. Maybe... ;)

  2. So VERY VERY cool! Awesome job! I'll send kids to your blog for sure, O Blogmaster:)


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