Mmm Mmm Michigan

Ordinary Lives. From a 2 z 4 u & me

Now, for this week's installment of our a 2 z 4 u & me meme,
the letter M...

This last weekend I was in Michigan at the Faithwriters' Conference and it was wonderful! For me, I think this was the best one yet--and no, I don't say that every year. I was able to relax more, be myself more, and the things I learned had very little to do with the sessions and workshops I sat in on and everything to do with what God taught me as I taught two classes. Only God could work the change in me to help me through a people-packed weekend like that, and come out of it shaky but energized.

I'll tell you more about it in another post (yes, it's started) but I want to share a few pix of the weekend highlights today.

My girls went to conference with me this year and they added SO much! It was wonderful having them along! We took a short side trip so I could show them Lake Michigan. For these land-locked girls, it was cool seeing all that water. I loved, Loved, LOVED heading the waves wash ashore--it brought back so many memories for me.

We got to spend the night at Joanne's house before continuing on to Livonia where over half of the Jewels of Encouragement blog team were together. It was so fun to MEET these wonderful ladies who have blessed me so much this year! So incredibly special! They have no idea just how much they've blessed me. Hugs to each one of you--those who were there and those who weren't. =)

Another special thing about Michigan this year was my agent, Linda Glaz. Fun, savvy and sassy, too. Love her! This picture was taken after midnight on Saturday night, when exhaustion had settled in.

The trip to Michigan was well worth the exhaustion. It was so much fun being with people who understand having voices in your head and understood the jolt I had last Sunday when I turned around in church and saw "Spider," one of the main characters for an upcoming novel, standing in church. Complete with long brown hair and tattoos up his arm. I now know the end of his story and cannot wait to get writing it!

Yesterday was spent in my cave, decompressing, and today it's back to work, and to be honest, I'm anxious to get rolling again! Woot for recharging in Michigan!

If you're joining us for the a 2 z 4 u & me meme by posting on your blog this week about the letter M, be sure to add your name and the link to that particular post in the linky gadget here.


  1. It was a great weekend--and it was great to see you and the girls, Peej! ^_^

  2. Hi Patty: You did a great job in the workshops and I'm finally ready to dive into the blogging world...after fighting it for a few years! Thanks for your encouragement.

  3. Your girls are lovely!
    Looking forward to hearing about your learning experience from the conference. Thanks for sharing.

  4. It sounds wonderful! Other writing friends of mine were in Philly for a conference, too. Please share the highlights!

  5. Sooo wonderful. For all of us :) Can't wait to see the next post :)

  6. Looks like you all had so much fun! I have GOT to make it to the conference some year :)

  7. Can't wait to hear more about your trip to Michigan.

  8. It sounds like you had an amazing weekend! Can't wait to hear about it.

  9. What a fun-tastic conference! Loved your workshops and LOVED meeting you, Esther and Abby! Your daughters are gorgeous inside and out! Of course, so are you! And Linda Glaz, WOW, what a terrific lady! HUGS!

  10. I've never been to Michigan! But we sure have a lot of hunters from that area come this way every year!
    (Sorry for the double linky... my mistake. My M post should have been "MISTAKES")

  11. Anonymous6:44 AM

    It was great seeing you and
    your girls again! The conference
    is always a great weekend!


  12. How funny! My post is about Michigan too!

  13. I wholeheartedly second that "Woot!"

  14. It was a wonderful weekend! Thanks for everything you did. Love you.

  15. I love the picture of the girls! Glad you have a good refreshing time!

  16. Great post, Patty! I also read the one at the top, about persona, etc. I think that's something many of us have to learn (and keep learning). I'm a little late posting my M post, but I talked about very similar things. Thanks so much for sharing your journey. God bless!

  17. What a treat to be at the conference. I enjoyed both of your classes, Patty, and learned so much from each one. Your daughters are beautiful. How special was that - to have them with you?


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