As of Late

One of the memes I've enjoyed in the past was "As of Late" hosted by Kristen Schiffman of Exemplify. She's brought it back and I love it! The actual date was yesterday, the 15th of the month, but I'm going to jump in late anyway cuz I like it that much. Join us at Kristen's for links to other As Of Lates. =]


PhotobucketLately I've been tugging on a closed door. But I finally wised up.

PhotobucketLately I've been editing until I'm bleary eyed.

PhotobucketLately I've been grateful that I'm responsible only for obeying God and He's responsible for the results of that obedience.

PhotobucketLately I've been praying for softening and softness.

PhotobucketLately change has been hounding me. My dad. My kids. My writing. But God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He's still the same as He was in the days of Joshua and Gideon.

PhotobucketLately I cling to God's sovereignty and ask for His best and grace for each moment.

So tell me, what have you been doing of late?


  1. LOVE these - and I knew most of em LOL

    May do it even LATER than you :P Love this meme

  2. What a beautiful "As of Late", I especially love the one about being grateful for pnly obeying God and the one about praying for softening and softness. That's a prayer I need to be praying too.

    I am so glad Kristen started this As of Late, it's been great to see so many of my sisters' hearts.

  3. #3 Speaks volumes to me! We have our part and God has His part.

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  4. Lately I cling to God's sovereignty and ask for His best and grace for each moment.

    Love that...what more could we ask for?

  5. You know, if God is holding that door closed it won't open unless He lets go....and then you fall on your face! Just lean against that door and look around for a window!

  6. Thanks for your comment on my post Patty. Yeah excitement and nervousness rolled up in one...I think I'm more excited than nervous. It's quite a great adventure!

  7. "Lately I've been grateful that I'm responsible only for obeying God and He's responsible for the results of that obedience."

    Well, that will preach!!!

  8. I'm glad you joined in, regardless of the date! An inspirational list! :)


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