
Yesterday was Sunday--and I was AWOL. We arrived home from the latest fair at 2 A.M. Sunday morning and had to be at church for nursery. Then we came home and realized our fridge fan was dying/dead so we had to transfer (and clean) the fridge and freezer contents. God is so good! If it had gone out last Sunday my hubster wouldn't have been home to deal with it and we had a fridge and freezer in back, so we had a place to transfer everything to!

Saturday it rained and we were crowded in the tent with all the fair gear. Since no one was moving about and the rain was blowing in, we lowered the sides and waited out the rain. Thankfully the older kids had books with them and they were happily lost in their own little worlds.

My youngest had fun snuggling with Dad and I scribbled a few notes about the fair, hopefully fodder for a story...whenever I get back to writing fiction. LoL

Today was spent unpacking, organizing and cleaning...and I'm just now able to get yesterday's winners posted--after five or six attempts to do so...sometimes life gets a little jumbled. LoL

The winner of Carrie Turansky's book, A Blue & Gray Christmas is Abi.

Another item of news: At this moment, tomorrow's spotlight is on hold. I haven't heard back from the party I need to, so I'll wait and if I can't run the spotlight this week, I'll reschedule. I'm really looking forward to introducing you to this particular author, but there's a complication with an we'll wait for the go-ahead. :-) I'll keep you posted.


  1. Congratulations Abi!
    I want to know who this particular author is!! :O)

    God's blessings

  2. What a crazy season, Peej, but I sure enjoyed the precious pics!!!


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