Where's Your Focus?

When I was putting on my eyeliner the other day, I noticed that although I wasn't in a shadow, I wasn't getting the benefits of full, direct light. So, I tilted my head just a touch and I was able to see so much better.

I thought about this as I finished putting on my makeup, and how it parallels my spiritual life. There are times when I'm in The Word and growing, but I'm not tilted just right to catch the full benefit of the Light, so I don't see all the things God has for me to see. A simple fine-tune adjustment is all it takes to be fully in the Light. The other week, Pastor Mike showed me the adjustment I needed to make in my spiritual life.

For many months the cry of my heart has been for God to use me, that my life would count for Him. Although I was standing in the Light with that prayer and desire, I wasn't getting the full 'benefit' of the Light. I had wrong priorities.

And if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. ~2 Chronicles 7:14

I realized I was seeking God's hand more than I was seeking His face. Yes, I was seeking Him, but my eyes were focused on His hands all too often. The words to the old hymn are a great reminder of this.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of earth
will grow strangely dim,
in the Light of His glory and grace.

I needed to make that fine-tune adjustment and shift my main focus from His hands to His face, and remember that He will take care of the rest. Yes, ask for His hand of help, mercy and blessing, but seek His face first and foremost.

Don't focus on what we face
but on Who we face—God Almighty.
...and the things of earth will grow strangely dim
in the Light of His glory and grace.

Heavenly Father, so many times I've sought Your hand—for help and guidance and blessing, but Lord, it's Your face that I long to see. Help me to remember to make that fine-tune adjustment and to seek Your face, knowing that You will take care of all the rest. I love You, Lord. In Your name I pray, amen.


  1. Woooonderful post! What a blessing! Thanks for allowing God to use you through your prose!

  2. Patty, thanks for this gentle reminder - and I see evidence of God's using you through your online presence!

  3. thanks, Peej, for the reminder of where we should be looking. I think of my son watching for a nod from his sister to turn the page of music. We need to be watching the Lord's face.


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