...and Now...

Well, now that I'm recovering from the shock of deleting my sidebar (LoL), let me tell you about At The Well. There's a Grand Reopening going on, complete with door prizes that you really don't want to miss out on! I'm really excited about their new layout and I think you'll like it, too.

I'm honored to be part of the team there, and I'll be posting about Reflections on the Home. Other topics are: To Raise Them Up, Gathering At the Well (where older women are to encourage the younger women), To Have and To Hold (you guessed it: marriage), and Reflections on His Truth.

Be sure to join us over there and get in on the fun!

At the Well Blog Button


  1. Sounds WONDERFUL, Peejers! Can't wait to see stuff (and get over there and enter some contests!! :D)

  2. So glad you're doing this , Peej! I will be so excited to see your inspiration here! and your blog looks GREAT to me!


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