December's Blessings

Time flies when you're having fun...and busy, and another month has slid past without doing a blessings post. In the confusion and busyness of December I put off telling you about some of December's blessings, so I'm adding them to this month's blessings.

At the very beginning of December I received this print from Joy of Bee Joyful Quilts. She found me as a result of my joyful cow (in my sidebar) and she sent me this print as an encouragement. I just love it! Thank you, Joy!!

If you enjoy quilting, (and I do!) you'll enjoy Joy's site.

Then, as a result of the The Internet Cafe's Holliday Giveaways, I won two items. One was this darling pin handcrafted by Deena of Dances with Monkeys. It's on my purse and it reminds me to love. Thank you, Deena!

December came to a close with another special blessing as a result of the Holiday Giveaway. A very special bracelet from Loni of Writing Canvas. There is a birthstone for each of my five children, and on the sides, between little blue hearts, are small birthstones for the two babies we lost. This bracelet has quickly become a treasure. Thank you, Loni!

Be sure to stop by Loni's site, Bracelet Stories, for your own memory bracelet. Loni is an incredible woman, and the bracelets she custom makes are stunning and so full of meaning.

Well now, that wraps up December's blessings. Thank you, Joy and Deena and Loni! You each blessed me tremendously! Sometime within the next week, I'll post about January's blessings. Stay tuned!


  1. You ARE blessed... Thanks for sharing!

  2. got to get me one of those them!

  3. Awesome stuff, Peej!!!


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