That I may know Him

This week Joanne at An Open Book is hosting Manna Monday, join us there for links to more thoughts on these wonderful verses.

That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. ~Philippians 3:10-11

That I may know Him. For me that one phrase encompasses and explains so much to me.

“Lord, why did I have Guillain Barre?” ...That I may know Him. I grew spiritually when my legs were almost useless to me. That event, when I was 16, changed the course of my life and set the tone for when many others things came into my life.

“Lord, why did we lose those two babies?”
...That I may know Him. It was while reeling and then healing that I drew close to God and found in Him a constant source of comfort and light in the midst of my grief. I also have every confidence that when the next time of grieving enters my life, that God will be there, shining His light into the darkness that will try to drown me in its depths.

“Lord, why is my dad and my good friend in such constant, debilitating pain?” ...That I may know Him. Witnessing their faith while in such pain encourages and reminds me that He is always there—even when life does its best to squelch our faith.

Whenever I get to wondering about the why's of life, I always come back to this verse. ...That I may know Him. What greater thing in life is there than to know Him? And just think, it doesn't just end with knowing Him, that's just the beginning of eternity. We'll get to be with Him for all eternity.

Join us at An Open Book for more links to Monday Manna.

Missions Matter! ~Blog Giveaway coming November 12th!


  1. Truly wonderful Patty. There is no greater thing in life than to know Him. He is our example, our lifeblood, our Saviour, our constant friend, and more! As I said on Kristen's blog - I heart Jesus this week! His example, His life, His suffering, His death, His resurrection...all for us. I know I am truly humbled by that this week more than ever. In Him, Paula :-)

  2. Thanks for that lovely perspective this morning!

  3. Oh wow, Peej. What an amazing perspective. Such honesty and faith, my dear. Thank you for sharing this. You blessed me.

  4. "That I may know Him." Exactly. Thank you for answering a question for me today, Peej. Love you so.

  5. Beautiful, Patty. What a way to lay out this message for maximum effectiveness. Wow.


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