I'm Touched!

Today, as I went to church, my heart's cry was for God to speak to me, to refresh me, to touch me--and He heard my cry. When I left tonight I knew I had been able to touch the hem of His garment and that He had restored my weary soul. God is so good to me.

Pastor Mike preached on Mark 5:21-34 and the woman with the 12 year hemorrhage. Since I've dealt with a little anemia at times in my life, I shudder just imagining what her life must have been like, and she didn't have the modern conveniences that we do. The doctors hadn't been able to help her, her condition was growing worse, and she had spent all she had--she was out of resources. It sounded like a good description for how I felt this weekend: depleted and spent.

So when the woman heard about Jesus, she not only followed Him, but she made her way through the multitude that was crowding around Jesus. Moving through a thick crowd is difficult, at best, and Mark says “For she thought, 'If I just touch His garments, I shall get well.'” The verb tense there was that she was thinking that continually, repeating it over and over to herself as she slowly worked her way to where she was close enough to touch Jesus' cloak. She was determined to reach Jesus, knowing that He was her only hope. She was totally focused on reaching and touching Jesus--and she did.

Jesus knew the instant she touched His cloak and He asked who touched Him—NOT because He didn't know (He did!) but because He wanted her to publicly confess and so tell all those around her what He had done for her.

Jesus wanted her to testify to what He had done in her life.

The woman, knowing she was healed, fell before Jesus and told Him what had happened. All those around Jesus heard her testimony, and I can just imagine the news of her healing sweeping through the crowd, being passed from person to person until even those at the very fringes of the crowd had heard, like we still hear today. Jesus was glorified through her life and her witness.

Pastor Mike, knowing many of us were still tired from VBS, reminded us that when we do the Lord's work power flows out of us, leaving us drained and in need of refilling--in need of touching our Lord. He also reminded us that we can reach out and touch Jesus if we're determined enough to, if we don't let the crowd hinder us and keep us from Him. My heart soared because I knew this was God answering my prayer and speaking His words to me. I felt the worn out parts of me being mended and restored and I was able to sing with the rest of the church body “He touched me, Oh, He touched me and oh the joy that floods my soul. Something happened and now I know, He touched me and made me whole!”

Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need. ~Hebrews 4:16


  1. Wonderful insights, dear. I have been blessed :)

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Beautiful! I've often thought of how Jesus sometimes told people NOT to tell, but here He WANTED her to speak up. Why the difference? I think it has to do with who is hearing it. We need to be sensitive to God, knowing when to be quiet and when to speak.
    So glad He spoke to you yesterday.

  3. I am so happy that Jesus touched you so very personally yeterday, Peejers:) One time in worship, a long time ago, as I was singing He Touched Me, when I got to that part, "Something happened and now I know", it reminded me to not try to reason things out but enjoy the touch. "He touched me and made me whole." Thank you for this reminded, dear friend. Love you loads!

  4. I too have been in need of a refresher. While studying the Book of James, I have begun to receive some refreshment, but I just keep holding on to God for more. Your post reminded me that I need to proclaim the goodness of God and what he has already done for me, not just what I want him to do. Even if he never did another thing for me, he would have already done more than I can ever repay. Thank you for the reminder. :)

  5. Absolutely! I went to church with the same prayer yesterday, Peejers. And the Lord answered mine too, with a totally different message and sermon. He is so AWEsome in the most amazing way. I love the way He loves us. Thanks for sharing your story.

  6. Gosh, it's nice to be touched, isn't it? I just love all of the great study/devotional blogs that have been written lately. So much good meat to chew on! Thanks for sharing this, Patty!


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