Use a Fire Hose

My kids know nothing about water conservation or water bills. We have an artisan well that we've never been able to empty, even when we tried. The water table is close to the surface on our property and digging the well and setting the holding tanks in the ground was quite an experience--when my husband drilled holes through the concrete tank, water shot into the air. So my kids have never given water conservation a thought and are amazed that people usually pay for the water they use.

The other day, one of the kids had three times the amount of water running than they needed, so I turned it down and tried to explain to them about conservation and water bills. I could see them thinking “But Mom, our well never gets low. Why should we live like it could run out?”

I was laughing about it later when a truth was driven home to me. I have an unlimited supply of Living Water available to me, but sometimes I live as if I were living in drought conditions and had to conserve water, and pay an outrageous water bill. The truth of the matter is that Jesus paid the bill, for eternity, giving me access to a bottomless well of Living Water that can never run dry.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed. 2 Corinthians 9:8

I need to stop limiting the flow of God's goodness into me. I need to stop limiting God's work in and through me. When I live my life in 'conservation mode' I allow just a trickle to flow through the tap, when in reality, God's given me great abundance for all that He's called me to do.

Does a fireman sprinkle a bit of water here, and bit there? Does he use a drinking straw to put out a fire while a fire hose lies at his feet? No way. He grabs onto the hose, holds tight and directs the stream of water shooting out the hose. He's not responsible for paying the water bill—it's already taken care of. He's just letting the water flow and using it effectively to put out the fires.

It's time for us (for me!) to throw out the piddly straws we've been content to use and pick up the fire hose God has given us. His Living Water is freely given to us and we need to stop conserving it and restricting its flow. When God is given free reign to flow in our lives, His Living Water has far reaching effects not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others as well.

Here's our chance to be a firefighter and more! Let's set down our straws and grab onto the fire hose and let the Living Water pour through. Don't worry about conserving it, just let it flow and flow and flow.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory...forever and ever. Amen Ephesians 3:20-21


  1. Your analogies are ALWAYS so good! Love this one.

  2. Thanks, Patty. I needed this today. ;)


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