September and Structure

I'll freely admit that I'm a free spirit...and love it! But the summer is over and it's time to get back to some structure. *pout* So, I'm gonna have fun structure! ;-)

  • Tuesdays will once again be author spotlights (with book giveaways!) 
  • Wednesdays will be author interviews (with a 2nd chance at the book giveaway!)
  • Fridays are our online Bible study days. We're starting Beth Moore's study on Esther and you're all invited to join us. 
Next Friday, September 10th, will be our introduction to Esther so we can start Week 1 on the 11th. Week 1's lesson recap will be on Friday the 17th and I'd love to have you join us. You can purchase the book at the Lifeway Christian Bookstores, through the Lifeway site, or through Amazon or CBD.

So, there's some structure for me. =]

My favorite online mag: Exemplify

For months now I've wanted to share Exemplify, my favorite online magazine, with you, and for months something has come up and I've missed telling you about it. But THIS month I was ready and watching with a plan. =]

God has given Kristen Schiffman a gift and a vision for this magazine and it's evident from cover to cover, every issue. Be sure to read this month's issue on Spiritual Endurance. It's a winner!

Don't forget this week's author spotlight with Sarah Sundin! She's giving away a copy of A Memory Between Us and it's an excellent book! I'm reading it now. Here's Sarah's spotlight and her interview. You can enter the giveaway twice: once on each post. =]


  1. I can't agree more about Exemplify. POWERFUL stuff :) And praying about your fun structure. You KNOW I'll be here!

  2. You're so organzied, errrgh.

  3. I'm also in the mood for organizing. Something about the shift in the wind, I think. May your year be smooth sailing:)


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