to bridge a gap

This weekend I sang in a choir.

It may not seem like anything big to you, but it rocked my world. You see, although I love singing, I hurt my own ears. That’s why I love it when the music is loud enough that I feel free to sing, really sing. At church sometimes I feel like a grinning fool because I’m able to sing and I can’t keep the joy contained to “appropriate facial expressions.” Joining my voice to others—no, burying my voice in the voices all around me enables me to worship God like I want to.

This weekend I went to Illinois Baptist Women’s Priority Conference and it was awesome. A few days before the conference I received an email asking if I’d like to help with “something special” they had planned. Sure! I figured it’d be handing things out or something like that. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The email reply was a link to a song and when and where to meet for a quick rehearsal.

Almost everything in me wanted to back out but I knew that if I did I would regret it. This was possibly the one opportunity I’d get to be part of a real choir, this side of Heaven. So, I sang.

God calls us and often (always?) we feel there’s no way we can do what He’s called us to do. We don’t have the skills, the training, the time, the whatever we need to do what He’s called us to. And it’s okay. God bridges the gap and equips us.

It’s about us obeying God. If we don’t show up, He can’t work in and through us, and we miss out on seeing God work.

I think I know what God’s called me to and to be honest, I’m feeling like Moses. Been there and done that, God. I landed in the wilderness and now I’m really comfortable there. I know how much work it’ll take to do what You’re calling me to. I know it’ll take almost every spare moment I have, and then some more. It’ll mean putting myself back out there. It’ll mean…

And the song we sang plays in my head...

Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the Grave,
He is David's Root and the Lamb who died to ransom the Slave.
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy of this?
He is!

God is worthy of all my effort and all my time. Sacrificing my comfort level and time is worth it.

God will bridge the gaps of where I am and what He’s called me to. I need to show up and obey because God is able.

God is worthy of all this.
He is!

What about you? Is there something you’re wrestling with? Something you think God might be calling you to but you’re feeling unqualified to do? Leave me a comment—I’d love to pray for you.

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