In November, when I realized how fast New Year’s was coming, I started asking God for my word. My experience has been that settling on one word for the year was…not as easy as you’d think. LoL. So, I started early. Surprisingly, within days I knew my word for 2016. I was amazed. And terrified. I have to admit, I hoped the word would change into something easier, nicer, even inspiring, but no. The word didn’t budge. Didn’t even wiggle.
(See what I mean?!)
I’m consistently INconsistent, so the thought of this word does awful things to me. Truly.
As I look at 2016 and the things I want to do mixed in with the things I need to do, all overlaid with family and balance, I know the only way anything on my want-to-do list is going to be accomplished is through diligence.
Daily diligence in the little things.
Because the little things done diligently add up to bigger things.
My head knows this and I’ve experienced it, but putting this into practice when I have five other things pulling me different directions…well, let’s just say I’m very good at putting out fires and getting stuff done that needs to be done, and putting off things that I can put off. Like the things I want to do. The problem is that the things on my want-to-do list are things I believe God has called me to do. But those things aren’t standing beside me, pulling on my pant leg saying “Mom. Mom! MOM!!” (or some variation of that. You know what I’m saying.) Those things are part of that quiet voice in my heart. The voice that’s so easy to miss or set aside when the roar of life gets loud.
And there lies a good part of the issue.
The need to prioritize (shudder) and see that those things on my want-to-do list are so much more than that. They are actually my heart’s list of things I see that God has given me to do. Things that God has given me as a gift, just as He gifted the Levites with the service of the Tabernacle and Temple.
When I see those things for what they really are—gifts from God and things He has called me to do—I can prioritize my time and energy and resources to get them done. One small thing at a time.
Because little things done diligently add up.
OH boy. But I KNOW you can do it - with God, of course. I can't wait to hear how God uses this word in your life (and probably mine too - cuz, yanno, it happens that way sometimes!)
ReplyDeleteLoL, yes, it DOES happen that way, Jo. =]
DeleteThanks for the encouragement! It's going to take God's help!!
Diligence. That's a good word. It's good Encouragement...which is MY word. Keep moving forward my friend! Keep. Moving. Forward. :-D